Here is the way it works. You find out that you have the superpower of seduction. Your power will make someone practically insist on sleeping with you but first you must meet them in person, have a short conversation with them, and do this specific gaze into their eyes. At that point, they will sleep with you anytime within the next 4 hours. It will work on anyone over 18 but if you want someone like say, Laura Bush or a celebrity, then it might not be that convienent because it will be somewhat difficult to get the one-on-one time to make it happen. Also assume that if you have a SO, they respect your powers and will not try to hinder you unlike that Darren on Bewitched.
Map out the average number of people that you would sleep with each week. In your lifetime. Break down by sex if necessary.
It’s these kind of serious, sober yet innovative studies of human behavior, so often ignored in the hidebound, peer-reviewed literature, that keep me coming back to this board.
Personally, I’d practically insist on the ‘sleeping with’ part, because that’s when I get to practice my five-point exploding palm back rub/foot rub skillz, which, historically, have scored far higher on the pleasure-o-meter for my partners than my technique at the old in-out in-out.
Anyway, in response to the OP’s question, one new partner per evening, six days a week, allowing for one day of rest or a major televised sporting event. Actual number of partners would be less, because after any particularly good liaisons I’d want to go back for seconds, thirds and probably fourths, and because whenever it gets to the point where I’m doing the back rub/foot rub thing, they’ll never leave me alone again anyway.
No, it does come with that power too. That was alluded to in the last sentence of the first paragraph: “Also assume that if you have a SO, they respect your powers and will not try to hinder you unlike that Darren on Bewitched.” That means that your SO will not try to hinder your use of your powers or hold them against you now matter how many other people you seduce.
What happens the next day? Does the person you slept with say “My GOD!! What was I thinking??” Also Zebra raised the question: just what will your partnerl agree to?
The superpower includes the fact that your spouse or SO is fine with your exploits (and the spouse would not be anymore likely to try the mortal version for themselves than they normally would).
The people that you seduce will just remember the superseduction as something that happened and was pleasant. They won’t fall in love or try to stalk you. You can use the power on the same on the person as many times as you wish but the question is really about the number of different people you would have sex with.
On the one hand, it’s fundamentally rape. It’s a violation of a person’s very psyche in order to fulfill my most base desires. It could have major drawback for the woman. Ranging from veneral disease or pregnancy (nothing works 100% of the time, even if I’m responsible), to the guilt of infidelity (on her part), to shame at having sex with a total stranger. Hell, you never said it wouldn’t work on non-heterosexual women. If I seduce a lesbian, that would confuse the hell out of her.
But those complications would only occur in the minority of my partners. And unlike actual rape, they’ll be happy to have sex with me before during and usually after the fact. They’ll never know nor care how they’ve been violated. It’s the world’s most horriffic victimless crime. But it is free, effortless sex.
I’d do it at least once. Then, knowing me, I’d spiral down into addiction and self-loathing. Never learning how to get a girl legitimately. Never trusting in any real relationship I did form (is it me or teh power she loves?). Hating myself for being a rapist. This could fuck me up good and proper.
Anyway, I’d probably use a few (five or six) women over and over again, and then move on to about one girl a month once I had given up on love.
Assuming spousal consent, immunity from contagious diseases, free on-call childcare, and no social reprecussions…
I’d have some serious make-out sessions two or three times a week (especially with women. I miss women.), but I don’t think I’d have actual sex (oral or intercourse) with anyone other than my husband.
Considering I don’t really use my own modest powers of seduction too much anymore, I don’t see myself racking up a real high score. Might try to bag some celebs, though, just for bragging rights.
I am 31. In the first year, I think that I would try for one new woman a day. That = 365. That would wear off after a time and there would start to be repeats. Insert complicated math here. If I die at age 80, I figure that I would end up in the 3000 - 4000 women range with zero men. That would make me very happy.
I would probably be really promiscuous at first, just because I’d have the satisfaction of screwing all those women who would never give me the time of day. But I think what would happen for a lot of people, and not just me, is that you’d be with so many people your standards would start getting really really high.