If you could have sex with anyone you met with no consequences (significant other, danger of disease, the need to involuntarily associate with the person afterward), how many out of a random group of 100 people would you do? (The group includes only members of the gender you are normally attracted to, of all ages. No, bisexuals are not entitled to 200.)
I would have said 20 or 30 up until a few years ago, when I started to get old and broken down. Now it’s more like 10 to 20.
What’s the time limit? If the offer’s only good for a week, I’m not going to hurt myself rushing through them. Conversely, if the time limit’s the rest of my life, I’ll space things out more but probably get through more total when all’s said and done.
Well, based on the last 100 people I’ve actually met (not counting people I just have classes with or pass on campus), I would “do” maybe 15% of them, counting male and female.
Now, if I can count people I’ve met online in that 100, male and female, the number goes up to a staggering 20%.
call me stupid but out of 100 women with no strings attached with people that I am attracted to I’d go for all of them over a period of time.
Why would you only go for 20 or so??
This is an impossible question for me, depending on the focus of the OP.
Is it “what percentage would you have no qualms about sleeping with, based merely on your viewpoint about sex and morals?” That would be 100%…I have no problems with sleeping with people, period. My view of sex is that it’s something pleasurable that you share with those you wish to share it with. Love comes into it, but I’m free with the dispensing of my love to people (I am, in theory if not in practice so far, polyamorous), so if I want to sleep with someone there’s a really good chance that I already love them.
Is it “what percentage would you sleep with, given that you know them all?” That’s impossible to tell. I’m attracted to people on a wide spectrum of points, and the OP had no points whatsoever about these people other than “humans of the gender you’re attracted to”. I’m attracted to men, but there are many men in this world that I wouldn’t touch with a 10-foot pole, and not for any of the reasons dismissed in the OP. There are a lot of real-life men I’ve never been attracted to, and there are a large number of online friends whom I would sleep with in a fibrillating heartbeat.