If you were the three wise men....

what three gifts would you have brought?

I really try to be good but it just isn’t in my nature!

I would have all three of us bring myrrh, to see what Mary would have said when she opened the last present. “$#@#%#! Not more myrrh!”

Quand les talons claquent, l’esprit se vide.
Maréchal Lyautey

Well it sure as heck wouldn’t be diapers. I don’t think the Son of God would have a need for them.

How about Q-tips (they feel so good), Doc Martens, and a recipe book on how to feed 5000 on 2 loaves and 5 fishes?

I’d better go hide before I get struck down by lightening.

“Nostalgia isn’t what it used to be.”

A teething ring.

Would you like to deal with a cranky Saviour with a mouthache?
– Sylence

I don’t have an evil side. Just a really, really apathetic one.

How about Pokemon?

I believe I would have given God a sense of humor.

The best lack all conviction
The worst are full of passionate intensity.

Michelin tires.

Oh, I think God’s sense of humor is just fine, Spiritus. The evidence is all around.


How about a set of drums?

Your Official Cat Goddess since 10/20/99.

“I get along well with everybody.” --I.M.F.

A room at the inn.

<p align=“center”>Tris</p>

Some pork rinds to satisfy that damn disgusting craving Mary has had for the last three months (ok, they’re not kosher, but it will work out! It will be ok!)


Yer pal,

Epidural for the Virgin Mary.

Bedding for Jesus.

Cigars for Joseph.

Some drink at the fountain of knowledge…others just gargle.

Gerber’s Strained Pears.

No,wait… that’s for Satan, isn’t it?

Save The Endangered Jackalope! Send Cash Now! If You Do This, I Will Use The Cash To Save Any Jackalope That I Happen To Find! Send Cash Now! Before It’s Too Late! My Bills, I Mean The Jackalope’s Bills Are Due The 15th Of The Month!
This has been a message from the Illuminated Committee To Save The Jackalope. Fnord.

Dear Spiritus Mundi:
What makes you think God lacks a sense of humor?
He, She, or It created the human race.
If that’s not proof of a sense of humor, I don’t know what is.

  1. My UserName would be jab1, 2 and 3.

  2. There would be two too many of me.


  1. Infant donkey seat

  2. Savings bonds

  3. T-shirt saying “Behold this day in the city of David, a Savior is born, and all I got was this lousy T-shirt”

The names of the three wise men were Larry, Moe & Curly. I have it on the best authority; every bit as good as the Bible.

Save The Endangered Jackalope! Send Cash Now! If You Do This, I Will Use The Cash To Save Any Jackalope That I Happen To Find! Send Cash Now! Before It’s Too Late! My Bills, I Mean The Jackalope’s Bills Are Due The 15th Of The Month!
This has been a message from the Illuminated Committee To Save The Jackalope. Fnord.

“Behold this day in the city of David, a Savior is born, and all I got was this lousy T-shirt”

Put me down for 1,000. I’m sure there’s business in those - CLASSIC :wink:


“You know how complex women are”

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

Each Wise Man should have given Jesus a different thing ending in -gry.