Seriously. Maybe I’ve just missed it, but I don’t think so. Every freaking time I hear someone bitching about “political correctness” it’s to make a bigoted comment or to bitch about the person they’re accusing of being “PC” or “Liberal” is being “too soft” on someone the accuser hates–and that hatred based usually on prejudice.
So, let me lay it out for you bigoted jackasses:
Treating Blacks just like you treat Whites isn’t PC: it’s the right thing to do.
Treating Muslims like you treat any other people isn’t PC: it’s the right thing to do.
Treating immigrants like you treat any other people is’t PC: it’s the right thing to do.
Treating all people like people isn’t PC: it’s the right thing to do.
So, if you’re ready to whine more–in real life or on a message board–about someone being PC, shut the fuck up! More likely than not, you’ve already shown yourself to be a jackass; no need to add more proof.
Nah; they’ve never had a point. The term has always been used as a weapon and the target either the targets of the user’s bigotry or the person “supporting those {insert ethnic/religious/whatever slur}”.
Most complaints about “PC”-ness are not about equal treatment, but specifically excusing behaviour that would not be acceptable outside that group.
Treating Blacks unlike Whites is PC: it’s the wrong thing to do.
Treating Muslims unlike other people is PC: it’s the wrong thing to do.
Treating immigrants unlike you treat any other people is PC: it’s the wrong thing to do.
Of course not. My response to his post should’ve been “Case in point”. I’m home sick today so I’m going to use that as an excuse for being off my game.
If a white person’s using the N-word is racist, then a black person’s use is also racist.
If a retail business engages in the War on Christianity by saying “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas,” then whenever a Muslim commits a crime, then all Muslims are to blame.
If immigrants want to come to the United States for a better life then their grandchildren get to call all first-generation immigrants rapists.
Then there are a ton of bigoted comedians out there and bigoted TV comedies. And what the OP described is not the limits of political correctness. Not even close.
Also, treating all people as people means that all groups can be equally made fun of. If only certain groups are okay to poke fun at, then you’re not treating people as people, you’re treating one group of people as grownups(the ones who can take being made fun of) and another as children(who need to be coddled).
Oh yes I know, funny that you would think that would matter to me. Only children get mad when other people call them names. And it’s children who scream and yell when they get mad. So, if that makes me the more mature between the two of us… well, so be it.
Seriously. Maybe I’ve just missed it, but I don’t think so. Every freaking time I hear someone bitching about “political correctness” it’s to make a bigoted comment or to bitch about the person they’re accusing of being “PC” or “Liberal” is being “too soft” on someone the accuser hates–and that hatred based usually on prejudice.
Lets make one little change
Seriously. Maybe I’ve just missed it, but I don’t think so. Every freaking time I hear someone bitching about [ABC1234] it’s to make a bigoted comment or to bitch about the person they’re accusing of being [ABC1234] is being [ABC1234] on someone the accuser hates–and that hatred based usually on prejudice.
You sound exactly like the people you are complaining about
Well, there are certain power dynamics in play here. Making fun of the President isn’t quite the same as making fun of the guy next door who was crippled in a motorcycle accident. So it’s safer to make fun of the majority. It’s also safer and easier being part of the majority, so suck it up.
To the OP: how about people who complain about “social justice warriors”? I’m curious.
Well your initial post was a bit hostile, that’s my point… and you were complaining… about people whining… what the difference between complaining and whining?
EDIT: oh wait… I misread your OP. You’re complaining about Bigotry. OK, well you’re still pretty upset…
It’s comedy. Power dynamics don’t matter at all. It also should be irrelevant when discussing serious policy or when doing scientific research.
It’s also not about the majority sucking it up. It’s about having an open society where ideas can be exchanged freely. Where we can do art without worrying about losing our livelihood, and do research which might lead to an unpopular result, and debate policies for the good of the country. A country where people need to watch what they say lest the consequences be serious for them is not a healthy country.
I would also add that PC doesn’t preclude from comedy and making fun of “protected” groups.
There’s just OMG-but-fun and ha-ha-only-horribly-racist. When Senior Black Correspondent Larry Wilmore did any bit on the Daily Show they were always steeped in equal parts racial humour, racial self-mockery and poking fun at “white people”. When brother-dad Larry asks, in jest, “What do you call a nigger in a suit ? A defendant ! Haw, haw, haw” that’s not PC, but also not clever *and *not funny. It’s just a reinforcement of a damaging prejudicial stereotype loosely formatted as a “joke”.
See the difference ? I’ll give you a hint : only one of those makes white AND black people laugh.