Friends, Netizens, Teeming Millions[sup]TM[/sup]: Lend me your…er, eyes? Yeah, that’s it. Lend me your eyes! Perhaps some of you have already encountered this twerp, but alas I only recently had the misfortune of trying to have a discussion here with him/her/the drooling moron. “What gives?” you ask. Ah, here is a list of links with the fun stuff repeated/discussed below the link for you.
In this thread, ol’ colonial (nope, I’m not going to put the nom de net in bold) offers up a number of tidbits.
You may notice his unique use of the term objective.
Don’t ask yet about the damn unnecessary returns all through the text. I’ll get to it in due course.
I almost did myself an injury laughing at this resonse to tomndebb’s accurate statement of fact. The rest of the post has some odd comments, a couple of which one may wish to consider as a corollary to Godwin’s Law. I’m referring to the contender’s comments regarding Islam and Koresh in that very post.
I do not see how there could be any dissent applying the terms to Christ, even
in the case of Unitarians who deny Christ’s personal divinity, but IIRC accept
the divinity of his message.NB I specified the New Testament, which relieves liberals of having to swallow
OT stories such as, well, such as Jonah being swallowed by a whale. The words
“culminating” and “final” should not incite controversy. The NT does contain
obvious contradiction in the record of events, and so is not in that sense perfect.
However, it is considered perfect in its revelation of the mind of God, sectarian
disagreement as to the revelation’s precise meaning being beside the point.
Ah…I get it now. “Perfect” doesn’t really mean “perfect” but rather “WTF I want it to mean when I’m blathering.” I wish I’d started keeping account of the posters who’ve been using magical dictionaries for which only they know the definitions.
Oh, yes. The comment about the meaning of the revelation being beside the point almost occasioned an injury to my pulmonary system. I really didn’t realize until now how hazardous laughter can be.
I figured I’d ask a question that should be fairly safe, even in Great Debates:
colonial: I have a question for you about your posts in this thread. What’s with the odd column-style typing? I’m fairly sure you can trust me on this one; no matter what device you’re using to access the board, the lines will auto-wrap.
Simple Linctus gave some info on that matter:
He always does it and he gets touchy if you call him on it, careful!
Any post beginning with a Junior high School-level discharge such as “wow”
doesn’t promise much in the way of intellectual.
Quickly followed by TB the Fifth:
Ai yai yai.
I did notice that the contender didn’t actually mention whether the drooling moron itself considers “Ai yai yai” to be “a Junior high School-level discharge” so perhaps the DM 'self actually considers “Ai yai yai” to be a promising intellectual statement. I, on the other hand, feel quite safe in considering the two comments quoted just above to damn good evidence the contender is a hypocrite.
A bonus from that same TB link:
Something inferred from the NT, or deduced from the NT, and uncontradicted by it,
may be reasonably considered as falling within my definition.
Ah, the contender’s definition is the one in play, not the definition used by…well, the rest of the freaking planet!
As promised way above, TB the Sixth:
I am the source upon which I base my claim.
Dang! I referred to colonial a few times here as a contender. I think we have, not a contender, folks, but rather a winner. I give you the new, the not-so-improved Aldeberan. I give you colonial.
No, no. Please don’t ask me to take him back.