I'll be in New York City this weekend

It’s about damn time. I’ve been kinda trying to make it down that way for a while now. This weekend, which is a long weekend for me, I finally have the opportunity to head out in that direction. Unfortunately, I think I’m going to be pretty much engaged the whole time, so the chances of saying hi to any of our wonderful NYC contingent of Dopers is rather small. Also, I doubt I’ll get much chance to explore the city on my own, which is one of my favorite things to do. There’s just so much to see in New York.

One good thing is that the friends I’m meeting there have decided to get together at Churrascaria Plataforma. This, from what I’ve heard is a Brazillian restaurant where they have waiters coming around with every type of meat imaginable, and slicing whatever you want onto your plate. Just reading reviews of it makes my mouth water. For example: “It is also rodizio, the Portuguese word for going around, since that’s the name of the game, as waiter parade with skewers of some 14 dishes from lamb, chicken hearts, special melt-in-your mouth top round, turkey, wrapped in bacon, short ribs, flank steak and more.” This is the sort of thing I want the tour guide to say when I die and go to heaven (ignore, for the sake of rhetoric, that I’m an atheist).

And of course, I’ll definately try to see some more of the subway system while there. Any other recommendations from you guys?

Have you thought about vegetarianism?

I couldn’t stand looking at that 0. In return for pushing up the your reply tally to a semi-respectable 1 maybe you could answer a question. How far away are you now from your computer science degree? I remember a while back you said you had 100 days to go. Are you eventually headed for a Palo Alto cloister of some sort?

I don’t know, but I’ve been told that the Hellfire Club is an interesting NY destination. From what I understand, you need to take a partner.

Well, yeah, I kinda screwed up along the way. We’re probably back around 100 days now. I’m very bitter about certain things in life recently. Maybe at some point, I’ll go for the whole detailed version, but for now that’s a part of my personal life I’d rather not discuss.

Thanks for 1 though. I was starting to feel pretty damn unloved around here. After 2000 posts, you’d think people would care more about me around these parts. (is there a pity party smilie?). Is the Hellfire Club anything like Maison de Sade? Interesting, but probably not my thing, you know. As for vegetarianism, I’ll stop eating meat when they pry it from my cold dead hands. Or something.

Have a good time in NYC, waterj2. I’ve always wanted to go there.

I got 0 replies when I asked how many people in the world had Microsoft Office User Specialist Expert Certificates. Just typing all that out makes me feel like a corporate stooge. I didn’t need the extra paranoia. I’ve got the M.O.U.S thing but employment agencies here don’t see me as worthy of a job interview. I still don’t know how competitive that certificate is supposed to make me.

I don’t know too much about the Hellfire Club - only that it sounds very naughty. My brother was in New York last year (he stayed at the Chelsea Hotel) and when I read your post I asked his advice. I don’t know if he actually went there or not. I used to write to him in NY and ask him to give Mars bars to beggars in my name. I’d probably be a beggar by now if this country’s social welfare system wasn’t so generous. You could go and visit the people who live underground in the old subways. That would be good. So would vegetarianism.

Nah. Animals are yummy.

Hi waterj2,

You’re a bit vague about what you are interested in and will have time to do. However, I recently answered an e-mail from a friend who was visiting and wanted to do things other than the usual tourist attractions, which I think you may find helpful:

If this is your first trip to NYC, I would recommend that you hit the major museums and tourist attractions, most of which are superb. In any event, have a great trip, and e-mail me if you want any more specific suggestions.