My whole life, I’ve looked younger than my age. Now, when I was 18/19 years old and kept getting mistaken for 13, it really irked me (one cop wouldn’t let me go 'cause he thought I was this 13 year old runaway, but I digress).
When I was 18, the age for drinking was 18 ( ), so I got carded, a lot. All the way up to mid thirties. I’ve kept my hair long and straight (hey - I found what worked for me), and while at 46, there’s a few grey strands (thank you Ben), it’s by and large the same light brown it’s been for a long time.
Last night, I bought a bottle of wine at the grocery store. I got carded. he was serious. I even had my nearly 17 year old son with me (who, by the way almost didn’t get carded by the cashier when he was standing in front of me with a bottle of wine - different time).
I just saw a commercial that went something like that. I forget what the product was, but all you see is this female putting beer, I think, on the counter of a convenience store. Her straight blond hair is covering her face as she looks down, and she’s wearing a denim jacket.
The clerk asks her for ID, then she looks up and smiles as she hands him her license. You can see that she looks about 35 or so.
I have no idea what they were selling, but it was a cute commercial.
I used to work in a party store. Carding a guy usually pissed them off. Carding a woman always made their day. Carding a 30 year old woman had her walking on air out the door. Way to go, wring - watch out for passing jets!
I see the thread title. I see wring’s the OPer. I see Magdalene is the last person to respond. I think, “yum”. And this is what I get?
On the plus side, wring revealed her age, and, according to the 7-Year Rule*, I can date her. So, I’m back to “yum”.
[sub] According to the 7-Year Rule, you may date someone who is no younger than 1/2 your age, plus seven years. Conversely, you may date someone who is no older than (your age - 7) X 2.[/sub]
I’m not old enough to get carded yet, but until last year people would always guess a few years below my age. When I was 17 people guessed 14, until I started bulking up.
I went to the dr’s office last year and one guy mistook me for my early 20s.
Ooh…this happened to me a few months ago, I was at an event at the Target Center In Mpls. and I wanted a beer and the cashier asked for my ID. I looked at him and said “Are you serious?” (I’m 35!) and he said “yes” and that sure made my day. I wear my hair long and straight, too. Huh.
Hmm…I’ve never been carded in my life. But I always looked older than I was. I was able to grow a full (if scraggly) beard by about age 13, and was happily buying <ahem>gentleman’s pictoral literature</ahem>[sup]*[/sup] from 7-11s, booze from liquor stores (not that I often did, I’m not a heavy drinker, but it was cool that I could)
[sup]*[/sup]William Goldman moment: This was before easy access to the internet, but after porn. But then, just about everything’s after porn. Back in the olden days, access to…<ahem>gentleman’s pictoral literature</ahem> was dependent on your ability to bluff the sales clerk. <grumble> Kids today got it too easy! When I was a kid, I couldn’t just log on to see smut, I had to walk two miles in the snow, uphill, both ways, to see a little skin.
You think you had it bad?! When I was a lad, I had to crawl through a tunnel, littered with broken glass, for over three miles just to catch the briefest glimpse of titty.