I'll even show ya mine!

My whole life, I’ve looked younger than my age. Now, when I was 18/19 years old and kept getting mistaken for 13, it really irked me (one cop wouldn’t let me go 'cause he thought I was this 13 year old runaway, but I digress).

When I was 18, the age for drinking was 18 (:smiley: ), so I got carded, a lot. All the way up to mid thirties. I’ve kept my hair long and straight (hey - I found what worked for me), and while at 46, there’s a few grey strands (thank you Ben), it’s by and large the same light brown it’s been for a long time.

Last night, I bought a bottle of wine at the grocery store. I got carded. he was serious. I even had my nearly 17 year old son with me (who, by the way almost didn’t get carded by the cashier when he was standing in front of me with a bottle of wine - different time).

“can I see some id?” :smiley: life is good.

I just saw a commercial that went something like that. I forget what the product was, but all you see is this female putting beer, I think, on the counter of a convenience store. Her straight blond hair is covering her face as she looks down, and she’s wearing a denim jacket.

The clerk asks her for ID, then she looks up and smiles as she hands him her license. You can see that she looks about 35 or so.

I have no idea what they were selling, but it was a cute commercial.

You KNOW what that clerk was thinking…

tsk tsk.

I used to work in a party store. Carding a guy usually pissed them off. Carding a woman always made their day. Carding a 30 year old woman had her walking on air out the door. Way to go, wring - watch out for passing jets!

So wring, you are trying to tell us you are a babe?? Of course you are!

I see the thread title. I see wring’s the OPer. I see Magdalene is the last person to respond. I think, “yum”. And this is what I get?


On the plus side, wring revealed her age, and, according to the 7-Year Rule*, I can date her. So, I’m back to “yum”.


  • [sub] According to the 7-Year Rule, you may date someone who is no younger than 1/2 your age, plus seven years. Conversely, you may date someone who is no older than (your age - 7) X 2.[/sub]

I’m not old enough to get carded yet, but until last year people would always guess a few years below my age. When I was 17 people guessed 14, until I started bulking up.

I went to the dr’s office last year and one guy mistook me for my early 20s.


Ooh…this happened to me a few months ago, I was at an event at the Target Center In Mpls. and I wanted a beer and the cashier asked for my ID. I looked at him and said “Are you serious?” (I’m 35!) and he said “yes” and that sure made my day. I wear my hair long and straight, too. Huh.

When I take Creaky out on the town, she frequently gets carded, followed by shocked looks after they compare her actual age to her appearance.

One bouncer recently looked from her face, to her ID, and back, and said, “IMPOSSIBLE!”

She loves it. But don’t comment on this, it will just feed her already spacious ego. :slight_smile:

Been there and loved it :slight_smile:

i’m 31 years old and the only two places that don’t card me are the bar I hang out at (Thank You Hunt Club) and the grocery store I used to work at.

About a month ago I went to the gas station to buy cigarettes. I had my hair in a braid and no makeup.

I got carded…the attendant took a look at my id and said “You must come from a GREAT gene pool…I thought you were a high school kid!”

Grinned for the rest of the day :slight_smile:

Hmm…I’ve never been carded in my life. But I always looked older than I was. I was able to grow a full (if scraggly) beard by about age 13, and was happily buying <ahem>gentleman’s pictoral literature</ahem>[sup]*[/sup] from 7-11s, booze from liquor stores (not that I often did, I’m not a heavy drinker, but it was cool that I could)


[sup]*[/sup]William Goldman moment: This was before easy access to the internet, but after porn. But then, just about everything’s after porn. Back in the olden days, access to…<ahem>gentleman’s pictoral literature</ahem> was dependent on your ability to bluff the sales clerk. <grumble> Kids today got it too easy! When I was a kid, I couldn’t just log on to see smut, I had to walk two miles in the snow, uphill, both ways, to see a little skin.

You think you had it bad?! When I was a lad, I had to crawl through a tunnel, littered with broken glass, for over three miles just to catch the briefest glimpse of titty.


Ok Sua, Fenris here ya go:

** (@)(@)**

Also for Sua & Fenris (everyone else just avert your eyes)

( * )( * )


Averting my eyes…but

Damn! :smiley:

Mag. and wring

One word:

