I said I was sorry. Soon as you said I was being too mean, I pulled you into my lap, cuddled you and kissed on you. Apologised and said I was sorry, I didn’t think I was being that mean, poor guy, we’ll stop.
I cuddled you more as you pouted and said that, yes, I was being very mean. I kissed on your head and didn’t say what I was thinking which was that you’d completely misunderstood what I’d said and overreacted, because that wouldn’t have been very sensitive of me now, would it? So instead I just held you and tried to be comforting as I’d got your point the moment you asked me to stop - I’d upset you, I really hadn’t meant to do that, and was not about to continue doing so. Unfortunately you took this as your cue to expand on my meaness. You explain that just because I might like to be mistreated sexually sometimes does not mean everybody does. Uh, you asked me to spank you. I realise I’m not the most creative lover on the face of the planet, but I’d be at a loss for words while spanking someone if I wasn’t allowed to growl and call them a bad name occasionally. What I am supposed to do?
spank You’re so good with people
spank and I totally admire your sense of style
spank you have a good heart
spank people look up to you
spank your sense of humour is just as attractive as your superbly fit body… ?
“I think you have issues that you’re trying to take out on me.”
Huh? You asked me to spank you! Yes, I said something dirty yet complimentary about your butt that you didn’t like which I’d mistakenly thought was pretty porny, but I have apologised and am trying to make up for it. I am patient, I coo, I nuzzle, I don’t give voice to my own personal opinion that you’re being a priss and a half because that would just be rude and you’re entitled to your feelings. I truly am sorry. Shall we just snuggle or something instead?
“I don’t like a mean fuck. You were trying to be a mean fuck and I don’t like that. You may like that, I do not. I don’t like people to be mean to me in bed.”
I’m sorry but YOU ASKED ME TO SPANK YOU AND SPANK YOU HARD. I bite my tongue, make more apologetic noises. You continue to take me to task for another three quarters of an hour and then pout because I’ve lost my erection. Sorry but I think he wilted the moment you started giving me a script about what I can and can’t say to you in bed: “You say this, then I’ll say that, then you can respond with this, which will make me say this…”
Goddamn. I giving up and going vanilla.