I'm a(n) __ 1st, a(n) __ 2nd, a(n) __ 3rd, a(n) __ 4th, a(n) __ 5th & a(n) __ 6th.

Another one of those little excercises where you may learn a little bit about yourself.

A little background: On a recent Dr. Wang Wenyi interview, John Batchelor asked his guest the following, ‘Chinese officials are listening to this broadcast right now. Tell the 60 million men in the Communist Party they have a chance to redeem themselves over the imprisonment, slaughter & autocities commited against the Falun Gong’. Her answer (in English and then in Mandurin) was so simple: ‘I just want to remind them, You are human beings first, communists and dictators second’.

That got me thinking, what am I first, second. third - and tenth. It’s not static & evolves over time. It’s all a matter of priorities and the way you perceive yourself I suppose. It’s been a couple of days since I heard that interview - and I’ll be damned if I can think of something other than human being I’d put at the top of my list.

So here’s your chance to ponder the same question you read in the title. You don’t even have to publicly share your results with other people. There are no rules - and there are no correct answers. Try to prioritize and fill in the following poll question shown:

I’m a(n) __________ first, a(n)__________ second, a(n) __________ third, a(n) __________fourth, a(n) __________ fifth, and a(n) __________ sixth.

I guess I’d have to classify and prioritize myself as follows - At this point in my life, I’ve concluded that I’m (quite ‘boringly’):[ol][]A human being,[]A father,[]A unmarried mate,[]A son,[]A friend, and []An American.[/ol]“Why stop at 6”, you ask? Because it gets more difficult when I reached hobbies, philosphies, racial, religious, political, social or cultural identies that were further down on my list. But enough about me…How do you prioritize what you are? I’ll be interested to see if someone uses something other than human being in the first position. Of course, as is always the case, sarcastic and witty replies are encoraged (but in no means required).

  1. A father
  2. a human being
  3. a son
  4. a husband
  5. an American
  6. a friend
  1. Human
  2. Father
  3. Husband
  4. Brother
  5. Son
  6. Friend

I think most responses, adjusting for context, will be similar.

  1. A steward of the earth*
  2. A partner
  3. A female
  4. An animal caretaker/owner
  5. A teacher
  6. A friend

*I don’t know how to put this one. I don’t consider being human such great shakes, unless it is for the responsibility and ability we have in seeing the world as a complex organism that we need to be cognizant of and caretakers for.

Does that make any sense?

I would think / hope the ‘human being’ part would be obvious, so I’m electing to leave that one out.

  1. Woman
  2. Mother
  3. Wife
  4. Daughter
  5. Friend
  6. Sister
  1. a woman
  2. a daughter
  3. a sister
  4. an American
  5. a musician
  6. a writer


Which begs the question: Which one of you is Helen Reddy?

  1. human
  2. husband
  3. teacher
  4. American
  5. friend
  6. raving lunatic
  1. Human
  2. Musician
  3. Female
  4. Daughter
  5. Student
  6. Christian

Or something like that.

Loner, musician, cynic, depressive, collector, fetishist.

You’re joking, right? :dubious:

Stainz used the capital “W” – of course it’s her! :smiley:

A cognizant being
A social being
English-speaking American
Middle-aged guy

and, umm, Person Who Can’t Count to Six

I am an


1st I am me, an individual (centered on myself)
2nd I am a family member to others (centered on those I care about)
3rd I am a pet owner (centered on those I care about)
4th I am a one of billions of humans (centered on people in general)
5th I am an American (centered on a created collective working for our own good)

After that I get into stuff I just do, not things that I am.

  1. Roman Catholic
  2. daughter
  3. friend
  4. fat person
  5. flatlander
  6. depressed/insecure person
  1. Bunch of atoms
  2. Locally entropy-reducing bunch of atoms
  3. Self-aware bunch of atoms
  4. Intelligent bunch of atoms
  5. Lazy bunch of atoms
  6. Accounts assistant

Intriguing OP, I must take part. I will have to clarify each point as I state it, because I have some rather over-thought meaning to some of them:

1) An Arist - Not just being a musician, writer, poet, etc. but also sort of a state of mind in finding and creating beauty in everything that one does.

2) A Philosopher - My interactions with myself, with people and the way I lead my life are largely influenced by a world view obtained through my thought processes and analysis.

3) A Dreamer - I have lofty goals for where I want to be. Much of what I do is pursuant of those goals.

4) A Friend - This one should be pretty clear.

5) An Individual - Maintaining my self-identity including my beliefs, opinions whether they’re well established norms, or obscure and ridiculed. This is not, however, that crap about being different just for the sake of it.

6) A Student - Pretty clear as well, both a passion for learning and actually something I do as well.

I would also say that this is a mostly prioritized list, but I can’t say its 100% in order because I didn’t think about it long enough.

I’m a

  1. picker
  2. grinner
  3. lover
  4. sinner
  5. joker

Although no one has yet to call me the Space Cowboy or Maurice.