This is not a flame, but there’s naughtly language in it, so I’ll place it here.
There’s a guy in one of my classes. He’s always been very nice. Polite, well-mannered, mildly amusing on occasion. Makes small talk with me once in a while. He just happens to be of African-American descent, and I just happen to be lily-white.
Today, I saw him in the student union when I went to grab dinner, and he approached me while I was in line at Subway.
He: Hi, [racinchikki].
Me: Hello, [name].
A little bit of chatter while my sandwich gets made, about the test we had in class today and such, and then he gets his nerve up.
He: I was wondering, um, are you seeing anyone?
Me: Yes I am. I have a boyfriend.
He: Oh. He live around here?
Me: No, he lives in east Texas.
He: Oh. So, how about seeing me on the side?
Me: I’m sorry, [name], I’m really flattered, but I’m very committed to my boyfriend. ::playing with the ring on the third finger of my left hand::
Now, the guy I thought I was acquainted with would be kind of disappointed and say “Oh, well maybe we could hang out anyway?” or something. But then again, the guy I thought I was acquainted with wouldn’t’ve asked me to cheat on my boyfriend. No, what he did was get extremely angry at me.
He: You’re just a bigot.
Me: What?
He: You’re a racist bitch. You won’t go out with me because I’m black.
Me: No. I don’t care if you’re black, white, or pink with bright blue polka-dots. I’ve always thought you were a nice enough guy. I just won’t go out with you because I have a very wonderful and dedicated man in my life already.
He: Face it, you’re a racist whore just like all the others.
He might’ve been ready to continue in that vein for quite some time, but I headed him off. “Excuse me. I’ve another class to go to.” And I walked away.
Wow. I would’ve thought that to be highly out-of-character if I hadn’t seen it happen. I’m more surprised than anything else, really. Bemused. It’d be kind of funny if he hadn’t been so mad. I wonder if he has issues.