I'm a zayde

Mazel tov! You must be kvelling!

alte kocker

Congratulations! Remind them that when a newborn starts crying in the middle of the night, and won’t calm down, maybe it would be a good idea to change its diaper - as the nurse had to explain to me in the hospital.

Mazel tov!


Mazel Tov to you and Bubbe!

If it’s not inappropriate for a goy to add another mazel tov, then I am.

Mazel tov!

In my family we use English for Grandparents and Yiddish for Great-grandparents. For a second there I thought you were as old as I feel.

Congrats! I’ve heard grandchildren are fun. You could let us know, maybe, once in a while? I’m just waiting by the Internet for your post … :slight_smile:

Awesome - congrats!

Of course he’s nervous. Now he’s outnumbered in his house! :slight_smile:

Ohhh, that new baby smell. Enjoy!

(and congratulations, grandpa!)