I'm an aunt! Er, almost...

My older brother called about an hour ago and said that my SIL was in the hospital and ready to deliver within the next 3-4 hours. I have to get offline (stupid dialup connection) but I should be back as soon as I get word.

Now, what will I have the baby call me? “Aunt Susan” seems so pedestrian.

It’s a girl!

We are proud to report that Cheyanne Lynn Nix was
born at 9:15 this morning! She weighed 7 pounds and
5 ounces. They didn’t say her length yet. She has
blue eyes and brown hair and is very alert! Baby
and mom are doing well, but Becky is very tired.

Yay! Congrats and cookies all around! :slight_smile:


It’s a good thing it’s a girl. If it were a boy, you’d be an uncle.


Hey, wait a minute!

Thanks for the congrats, Q.E.D. and C K Dexter Haven. Pictures of the baby should be available soon.


On the other hand, my newly-male status would give me full locker room priveleges. Hmmm…

I say, revel in your participation here and have her call you “Auntie Doper”

Heh, I can’t wait to see my brother’s face when she calls me that.