I'm begging you, America!

Oh, go back to Belgium you Drunk Smurf! :slight_smile:

Secretary Clinton would be an okay president. Or, should I say “will be”

The thing to understand about Trump and the stupid things he says, apparently without any filter, is that he is controlling the daily message. The news media is very used to putting out the “message of the day”, the talking points, and controlling the daily discussion.

Trump with all his bluster has robbed them of all that. All of the other candidates and the media instead of talking about what they want the daily message to be, they have to talk about the daily Trump message. They must respond.

It is either very masterful or accidental, I can’t decide which. But he is in control of the daily message. And the wall protecting Political Correctness has been broken down. Any other public figure would have been expected, required, to issue almost daily apologies, but he just says no, not going to. And it drives the established media nuts, because they cannot get traction on even the stupidest things he says.

This is just a wonder to behold.

I do not see him going the distance and being elected. But if he does I expect that there will be a different Trump once he has to hire real, knowledgeable people to help him run the country. All we can hope for is that he really has executive skills. A good speech writer, a press secretary that can explain that he didn’t mean what he just said, and he is good to go.

Hey, a junior congressman with some community organization experience had to learn on the job, and turned out pretty well. The Donald will not be the end of the world.

It was amusing, at first, in a, “Surely you’re joking!”, sort of way.

Then came the, “I can’t believe he said that !”, phase. Each day more amazing than the last.

Plateauing out for a short time at, “Comedy writers couldn’t do better!”

Then he started topping all the polls. Again and again. And then winning primaries. Clearly, no longer amusing. I call this the, “What the hell is going on in America?”, time.

Then came the debates and an opening on the Supreme Court. Yipes! Be afraid, be very afraid!

But the last debate, wherein Mr Cruz knowing told a boldfaced lie about an 80 yr precedent…, only to be corrected by the moderator! Who was then roundly booed for daring to insist on the truth! And not two minutes later another candidate repeated the ‘80 yr precedent…’ lie!

For me the last display was kind of a tipping point. I can’t really find it amusing any more. I’m embarrassed for them. Making fun of them now feels like picking on the slow kid.

I can’t watch any more. It’s just too, too sad and embarassing, I think.

Not likely, and this based on the guys he is hiring and kowtowing right now.

People like “Jabba the Hutt” Sam Clovis as campaign manager.

And Joe Arpaio among others.

Yes, Trump decided to join Arpaio to the hip even if the Sheriff had already been found to be by the courts to discriminate against minorities and that the Sheriff does think that he is above the law. Even the local paper called Arpaio “a bully with a badge”, so we are left with 2 options:

  1. Trump ignores (willfully?) who he is getting involved with, so he is an incompetent regarding who he will appoint in a future cabinet and the kind of people that he will select for judges and other positions of power.

  2. Or, Trump does know already who he is getting into bed with and he does not care. At all. Because he is indeed a racist bully with a chance of getting access to the most powerful military in the world.

Why can’t he use his own money to soften up the congress-critters?

I thought this was one of the likely scenarios during a Trump presidency that makes the prospect so daunting.

I don’t think he believes half the shit he is spouting out. I think he is using these people to give him conservative credentials that he cannot muster on his own.

He has supported every political position under the sun over the last couple of decades. he has gone from very -pro-choice to very pro-life. From supporting gun control to bashing it. In the end, I don’t think he cares about any of those issues. Who knows WTF he stands for.

Sure its hateful to say the things he says, even if he doesn’t mean it. Especially if he doesn’t mean it. But I don’t think he would nominate someone like Clarence Thomas or Bork.

This is such a weird situation. There’s no reason think Trump is the person he projects himself to be right now, and at the same he could be any kind of person.

Something about this also reminds me of this exchange from Howard Stern’s movie Private Parts:

Researcher: The average radio listener listens for eighteen minutes. The average Howard Stern fan listens for - are you ready for this? - an hour and twenty minutes.
Pig Vomit: How can that be?
Researcher: Answer most commonly given? “I want to see what he’ll say next.”
Pig Vomit: Okay, fine. But what about the people who hate Stern?
Researcher: Good point. The average Stern hater listens for two and a half hours a day.
Pig Vomit: But… if they hate him, why do they listen?
Researcher: Most common answer? “I want to see what he’ll say next.”

Apropos of which: not impossible that prez Donald brings with it FCC commissioner Howard Stern. Which 'd be interesting. He wouldn’t nominate him for the supreme court, though. That goes to Gene Simmons.

The man can apparently run a business.

America has dug itself into one deep assed hole by NOT doing that, the wringing of hands, and feeling guilty for shit that we did that pales in comparison to shit most other countries do on a regular basis without blinking an eye.

Go Trump.

I imagine he would declare himself CEO of the country.

I have a great idea! Let’s force our own opinions on other people in hopes of swaying them to think like us? Screw that, I decided quite a while back that I’m voting for Trump and so far no reason not to considering the others.

Well, no one’s forcing you to read political threads on a predominantly liberal message board. :slight_smile: But since you have…

Do you believe Donald Trump would represent this country well diplomatically in foreign relations? Is he really someone you want to see in that position? I’m genuinely curious.

The scary thing is that we may have to choose between a that moron and a geriatric socialist retard. It’s a coin flip moment. Trump could win.

No reasoning, no reason.

The problem of wishfully thinking that he is not what he appears to be now is that besides all his current associations he is not apologizing for very stupid and racist tweets; he has said before that his more liberal positions from the past have “evolved” (yeah I do think he missed a “d” in that word) and so we have what we are seeing today.

The point is that it is really wishful thinking to expect that Trump will do a 180 and dismiss all the sorry beings that supported him and made him president (becoming president remains a big if, but it remains a possibility). As a business man he will know about the debts he will have to pay.



And also horseshit. Well done, not a single accurate sentence! You may now


Fuck’s sake, seriously? Hillary Clinton is not a socialist, bonehead.


I would be willing to suffer a Trump presidency just for the anguish it would cause the self righteous virtue signalling yet hypocritical left.


I actually have an unused Ross Perot bumper sticker I need to drag out and use :slight_smile: