I'm beginning to think sanity is largely fucking overrated

I don’t fucking know if I can take this anymore and I’ll apologize now for ranting about it (again) here. I haven’t gotten any confidants in real life, except for my ex and I’d rather spare him the worry right now with his already-full plate.

I just don’t know what to do.

I improve. Meds work. I’m as stable as I can hope to be, going at a goddamned snail’s pace. I’m tentatively, for the most part, functioning. I keep the house, that I’m now responsible for, in relatively decent condition. I feed my cat, bathe and aim for some bits of social interaction every couple of weeks. I work, pretty much on a daily basis, and even have to, you know, get out of the house and drive to do so. I’ve even been paying my bills, attending therapy regularly, repeating shitloads of positive talk and trying to keep down negative influences to a minimum.

Yet, here I am. After only a few days ago when I was quasi-depressed about the plight of people who have it much worse off than I do. And here’s the absolutely fucking hilarious part… this crept up on me with little warning or fanfare. Ya see, I always struggle and assume that will be something I deal with forever. I’m used to having suicidal ideation as second nature and having to force myself to do menial tasks that end up, somehow, becoming phobias for me. I figure that if I simply persevere and continue the good fight with the tools that I have, I will eventually overcome enough to be a productive member of society and at least marginally content with my lot.

But this last episode has about sent me around the bend. The slide has hit so damn fast that I’m not even sure when it started. I just know that I almost immediately went from thinking “Gee, a couple of days off in a row ought to get me back up to speed.” to the paranoid “If I quit my job, that’ll garner me a week or so.” to the unfreakingly unbelievably fucked up “Maybe that whole ‘agoraphobia’ thing wasn’t so bad. I mean, if I can’t kill myself, being a dependent almost-vegetable for the rest of my ::: scoff ::: natural born days wouldn’t be so bad, now would it?” Good God no. Not again.

I think I can handle bouts of anxiety, fear and general down-in-the-dumpedness. Also, barely keeping my head above water is only frustrating, not damning. Even stress, the psycho Addams family from hell, poverty and being plain ol’ butt ugly. But the suddenness and the straight drop into hell is wearing thin. Mightily so.

I’ve got an emergency call into both my therapist and my regular doctor (to see if there’s anything I can do physically). Shortly, if things progressively decline, I will call the ex, who is unfortunately out of town at the moment anyway (Hi rain! I do so appreciate it when you don’t waste any opportunity to go ahead and fucking POUR!!), to drop everything and babysit. But until then, I’ll vent and ramble and hate myself and talk too much and seek out any advice offered. Or even a kick in the ass, if need be. Whatever it takes to get me through the night without OD’ing on what little vodka I have left.

And damn if I no longer have any psych hospital stays left on the insurance. A state facility may end up not looking as scary as typically. Of course, then I’d lose every fucking thing I’ve been working for over the past decade. Which is shit, because I like what little I have and don’t aspire to anything more. But what the hell? I might not have anything better to do.

Unless ECT, which terrifies me, qualifies. :frowning:

Fuck my imbalanced, pathetic, unhealthy so-called brain. I want a recall and peace, not necessarily in that order.

Oh, dammit, faithfool, hang in there, sweetie. Keep calling your doc. I speak from experience; it’s very tricky to get those meds just right.

We’re here. Hang on. Don’t go for the vodka, it won’t help. In fact, pour it out right now.

Babysit? Can you hug the kidlets a bit?

Thank you ivylass. I’ll do my best to bitch and moan until the calvary arrives or I get my stupid fucking self suspended for going off the damn deep end. Anyway, no children for me. There’s no way, in my lucid moments, that I thought it’d be responsible to possibly pass this on genetically to offspring. Nor my mother, for that matter either. So, I’ll bundle up with the cat and hope he doesn’t get all anti-social on me now.

By the way, until this recent whatever hit, we thought my medications were working wonderfully. And I’m still crossing my fingers that it could be something else. That’s been a long fucking road to be on for a decade to only have to start fiddling with the dosages, etc. again.

Can you get busy doing something? Cleaning house, knitting, folding laundry? Can you put in some funky dance music to get your blood moving?

Has your doctor called back yet?

hey, faithfool– sometimes, even meds that are working don’t work. Something sets you off and then, down you go. At times like those, I know it’s hard to believe that you will feel better. But you will. I promise you that every day won’t be as bad as today was. Hang in there. Help is coming. Call the suicide hotline if all else fails, but please take care of yourself and do whatever it takes to keep yourself safe.


Aw, I cleaned the place when I had another bout of “If I’m going suicidal, I can’t let them see the place like this!” and as of this moment for the first time ever, even the stove (which I don’t use) is clean enough to eat directly out of. As for laundry, I belong to that White Trash group being discussed elsewhere in the Pit… I live in a travel trailer. No room for no fancy ass washer and dryer. However, I realize that all these are merely suggestions and I plan on trying to sit through a horror movie once my ire has essentially passed and I can focus/be inert. This, however, is giving me a bit of purpose. To see how much of a pussy my mind will encourage me to embrace.

Oh, and no, the doctor hasn’t called back yet. I’m about to try the office number for some information and ring the pager again. I promise to keep you posted, since you’re being a total angel to keep me talking and distracted. I truly am grateful.

On preview, I also want to thank Rubystreak for an insight that’s alluded me currently. When I’m not all screwy, I know these things. When I am, I’m surprised that I remember I’m from the US and not Mars. Therefore, I’ll add that to my mantras.

I also promise to stay safe, no matter what. I won’t even be dissuaded by that one time (true story, I swear) I called the Suicide Hotline and kept getting a busy signal. Because all the others, they certainly helped.

I’m calling the doctor(s) back again. I’ll return as soon as I know something concrete. Thanks again.

I was browsing the dope and found your thread, among others, that struck a nerve with me about people failing to take responsibility or wanting to depend on someone else to save them.

Ok, so what were you expecting?? It is not my desire to be mean, but you sound as though you have been through this more than once. If so then you should be accutly aware of the pitfalls and troubles that you are going to encounter.

As the saying goes “fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me” how many times has this “crept-up” on you? And how many times will it continue to “creep-up” on you. You sould like you have gone through the proper steps to seek help, but you still need to help yourself and not rely on the meds as a cure all. The things that you are experiencing are all normal things that you and I and all of the world deal with from time to time. They only look bad or feel bad if you allow them. If you have enough rational thought to know that you are looking at things in the wrong light and that they will be different later. Then you have enough control to subdue them in your mind and to physically overcome them.

Feeling paralized from something that you know is not real, makes no sense. It would be like crashing your car on a video game and getting hurt :confused: . You need to truly accept your problems and face them head on. Do not rely on the Adams family or your ex to carry you through. You are not a baby, you are a grown adult and sometimes adults have to face things with out a safety net.

I hope you get better and do it yourself.


Crispy Christ on a pogostick! Please disregard the above ignorance Faithfool.

Did you had a great horror flick to shiver and gasp through? I love good scary movies even if I nearly pee all over myself watching them.

Hopefully the doc’s called back with far better advice than I could offer, but I’m here to chat with if you’re still around.

Hey, I’m another lurker, and all I can say to this is: Bullfuckingshit!

To elaborate… if someone’s been depressed and/or phobic, they should know it ain’t as easy as “truly accept(ing) your problems and fac(ing) them head on”. And if said someone hasn’t actually had to deal with mental illness, then there’s a saying: “Stay the fuck outta my shoes”.

Welcome Earthing Continuity Resistance! :cool:

faithfool, not much to say, here - just that I feel for you, and hope that you can get things back on an even keel.

And that the ignorant lurker should be ignored, of course.
(BTW, if you’re still interested in cleaning manically, would you want to help me clean up my apartment? I did take care of the worst of it today - but there’s still more. If it helps, I have homemade bread available. :wink: )

Again people need to take responsibility for themselves and stop depending on others, because others may not always be there. My goal was to point that out in order to get you to not make excuses for your illness, why you are ill, why others can’t or won’t help you and why you can’t get better. You can’t get better if you excuse away everything and rely on others and meds to cure you. You have to help yourself… Now I grow tired and am going to bed. You can, obviously continue to read others who will tell you you are doing the right things and that you just need to take it easy or what ever else people do or say to absolve their souls or guilt, good luck staying the same.

Have you or have you not recently fought any tripod-like aliens bent on world domination? :dubious:

Faithfool, while I have no advice to add to what others have said about your immediate crisis, I do have a longer-term-goal suggestion. Write!! Turn your difficulties into a benefit. One of the reasons I joined the SDMB last winter is that your thread about “Bob” was one of the funniest things I’d ever read, while being poignant and insightful at the same time. You have a real talent for offering us a unique outlook on life. Share it, and remember in these dark times that there are people out here who appreciate you.

Ah, faithfool I do understand, and feel for you. My life will be cruising along just fine when boom I am losing it again. There are days when I live hour to hour, even minute to minute.

I am “white trailer trash” as well. My husband’s job requires him to be here, and my place is with my husband. The cost of living is so high here that this is what I can afford and still give my kids not only their needs, but a good amount of their wants. I do take joy in that.

I have negative looping thoughts, and I frequently have suicidal thoughts. I acted on those thoughts when I was much younger, now I just talk to someone safe when I feel that way. I find it helps to say that I feel that dying would be the answer to my problems, but that I am reaching out for help. As you are. I am now, with medication, able to define feeling that way, and understanding that I am not being rational. My medication, which generally works very well, doesn’t keep me from spiraling at times. Don’t get me wrong, I am not a saint who rationally deals with my irrationality, and when I am down, I am way down. However, I have found that I always come out of the pit of despair, happy to still be walking this big blue ball.

I empathize with you, and I want to make myself available to you, should you need someone to talk to. I am disabled, and so generally the computer is on. I am cruising the Dope boards frequently throughout the day. My email is in my profile, and I am on msn messenger. Hang on, and I will be watching for you to check back in and let us know how you are doing.

Hugs, even if this is the Pit! :smiley:

*On preview I see that someone has posted rudely and thoughtlessly. As Queen Tonya, OtakuLoki, and Earthing Continuity Resistance have posted, disregard the uninformed. You have the Addams Family, I have The Manson Family. My husband is a commercial fisherman and is rarely home. If you need to lean, you have people here to lean on. Stephen King, Thomas Harris, Peter Straub, and Clive Barker have all helped me distract my mind when it is pinging all over the place, and I applaud you for realizing that you aren’t at your rational best right now, and are reaching out for a lifeline. Bravo!!!

Thanks for the welcome, Queen Tonya! Heh, I thought “vitamins and exercise and thetans” too…

Sorry to butt into your thread, faithfool. I know how exhausting it is trying to “hang in there”. It’s like walking uphill into a headwind in a hailstorm.

Hang in there, faithfool. Do you have any hobbies or crafts that you could do? Those are usually pretty good for calming the brain down.

One positive thing you can do right now is to put Veritas3d on your ignore list. He/she is trying to use your pain to get attention, and you don’t need to see that shit right now.

I’m sending lots of good thoughts your way FWIW. Keep posting till you feel better – we’ll get crazy worried if you disappear on us. You’ve got friends here.

Sorry y’all. I didn’t mean to disappear. I just got tied up on the phone with first my therapist and then the psychiatrist. Yup, I didn’t even think to call her. :smack: Just someone to talk me through the emotional distress, not do the intelligent thing and get a PRN prescription for Valium. Which I’ll have to go get shortly. Anyway, to address what’s been mentioned in the interim…

Veritas: I do feel you’re trying to help and there have been LOTS of times during all this that I have made excuses and blamed other people or waited for something/anything to help me rather than do it myself. Now I’m not sure if this is defending myself or not, but those usually came when I’d gone below bottom again and I was tired, frustrated and really thought that the whole of humanity would be better off without me. These days, I’m fighting no matter what. That’s why the title has “beginning to think” in it, because I’m not giving up. I’ll do whatever it takes for as long as necessary. That is why I put in those emergency calls and reached out in the only way I was able momentarily. I can’t prevent these lapses of downward crashes that occasionally appear, but I’m trying to learn from them and not wallow or be self-pitying. I want to help myself, I am helping myself and I’ll continue to help myself. It’s not only medication, it’s my way of life. I hope you understand.

I’m very grateful to everyone else for the kind words and support (and I welcome our new Earthing lurkers as well). I mean, the Queen has even stopped by. Not many can say that! You all have been a calm for a good portion of this particular storm and many others. Then there’s my favorite Otaku, Bob’s original groupie who always brings a smile to my face to see around. As to cleaning more, I’d love to. When the OCD is in full swing, I could probably spiff up the Statue of Liberty with nothing but a toothpick and some spit. Plus, bread is forever a good motivator. :slight_smile:

And I actually had someone else notice the trials and tribulations of my own personal, albeit friendly, demon. Twoflower, you have no idea how much that rocks on so many levels that you liked that little anecdote, joined and are now here with encouragement. It’ll be something I’ll never forget and, of course, I’ll now have to follow you around just to show my ample gratitude.

Saving a WT sister in arms to commiserate with, kaiwik you’ve offered some crucial history that I’m apt to forget when I’m in a fog. I know, cognitively, the things you’re talking of, but getting my stupid head wrapped around them in the middle of the daze is about impossible. I also am truly honored by you reaching out as a friend. That’s so incredibly generous, and once I crawl back out of the cave I’ll hide in after tonight, I just may very well take you up on that. Hanging out with me and Bob though, can be trying. You’ve been warned. :stuck_out_tongue:

Lastly, laina_f, I’ll take any good vibes that can be shared. And no one has ever worried that I’ll shut up. Ain’t likely to happen. Online or off.

Now I’ll be heading to the pharmacy and will update again before I turn in for the evening. I promise to be safe and not do anything stupid. Thank you all, even Veritas, for the concern. Who knew that an internet message board could end up being so damn important?

~faithfool, finally edging a bit more towards her heart not racing