I'm Employed!!!


Way to go, CJ!

Pray for me to be next, mmkay? :slight_smile:

Fantastic news CJ!

I truly hope this turns out to be a great job for you.

Congratulations :slight_smile:

Welcome back to the rat race!


:: does the happy naked flailing Employment Dance ::

:: ducks to avoid flailing parts of iampunha ::

Congratulations, cj!

Yeehaw!!! That’s great news, cj - I’m very happy for you!! :):):slight_smile:

Super woot, and congrats! Wonderful news!

Hooray-- Drinks are on cj!!

Congrats wonderful friend!:smiley:

That IS good news! Congratulations! I hope you absolutely love your new job.

Congrats! I’m happy for you too, and it sounds like something you’re planning to enjoy. Good on ya.

I’m finally employed as well!! I work at a gas station/carwash, but is .

Exactly! I dropped off the employment agreement this afternoon, on Monday, I officially become a working stiff. Actually, make that a stiff neck, would you? If this is what happens after I get in a car accident, maybe I should have been in one months ago! :wink:

It’ll be a while before I get vacation, so I don’t know when I’ll get to an RG, let alone a Dopefest, but I will make it down to DC one of these days, not to mention England to visit various relatives and British Dopers. Bodypoet, thanks for the offer, but it’d be a bit of a commute, wouldn’t it? :wink:

Thanks again for all the good thoughts, and, Not Without Rage, I’ll keep you in my prayers as well.

Bartender, find out what these folks want and give it to them! (OK, maybe you’d better give Punha what he wants in the back room. Besides, I haven’t seen Fizgig around here. ;))


Neither have I, cj. What does that have to do with anything?:wink:

[sub]Never met Fizgig in my LIFE. Engaged to fizzestothetop. Just call her B. It’s much shorter and you don’t have to worry about bold tags/screwing VB coding up:)[/sub]