I'm getting divorced tommorrow, why am I not happy?

Hi I am back, I did it, and I didn’t even cry! Today starts a new leaf in my life. That includes weeding out some people in my life. I am going to take ALL your suggestions and hopefully make them work. After all this crap he tried to turn on the charm after it was over! I was flabbergasted, He is the one who filed for the divorce and then he tries to charm me after it was done- Gee whiz buddy you got it backwards, you were supposed to charm me BEFORE we made it so far as to divorce :slight_smile:

Congratulations. Wishing you all the best in your new life.

Peace be yours.

Hallelujah! It’s Independence Day!!!

Take a cheap bag (brown paper will do), put some kind of memory of him in it, add a rock, spit on the bag (in honor of your former MIL), and then throw it off a bridge.

Then laugh. Laugh like a fucking loon. Laugh until you start getting stares. Laugh at the starers. Then laugh some more.

You’re free. Life begins afresh.

To echo what others have said, give it time. One of my sisters finalized her divorce last summer. We visited her in October and she had yet to come to terms with the upheval. She seems to be doing better now, though.