I'm getting grey hair and beard, and I'm not even 30!

I have the face of a high schooler with grey hair…lol.

Mods please spare the rod on Ambivalid!

My mum’s best friend started greying in her teens and was completely grey by her mid 20s.

My best friend started greying early and was 60% grey by her mid 20s (I found my first grey hair at 31, and am still waiting on the second. She called me names when I told her).

What I take away from that is that mum and I are hard on our friends :slight_smile:

Better than balding.

I have almost entirely white hair now.
I was very recently told by a certain young lady that if I were to dye my hair, I would look in my early 30s. She doesn’t WANT me to, because she says that it is sexy. Apparently, the incongruity between it and my almost complete lack of wrinkles is notable.

I asked her because when we went to a dance club last weekend, I noticed I was the oldest person there. She told me that I was the sexiest person there (with white hair, I suppose).

I’m the same way though. People always think I’m about a decade younger than I am but they probably wouldn’t think that anymore if I wore my hair up in public because then it’s really noticeable at my temples. I get some white hairs (my normal hair is almost black and my old person hairs are stark white) on other parts of my head too but I yank most of them out. I recently had to stop at my temples because there are just too many there :frowning:

I’ve always had some weird white hairs though, but it used to be that half the time they were white at the tip and half the time they were white at the root end (sometimes even striped back and forth a few times). Once I started noticing way more of them being white at the root than the tip, that’s when I knew I was doomed.

What’s really interesting is when your beard’s got different colours than your head hair. I’ve seen guys with brown hair and multi-coloured bears; that’s gotta be frustrating!

I’ve been dying my hair for 30 years, so I’m sure it’s grey, I just don’t care.

If you’re a guy, all I can say is ROWRR!

Really, most guys don’t start really looking good until they begin to get some white hair in the mix.

missred, who began to grey at ~20 years old and have camoflaged it ever since.

ha! Try going gray AND balding before 30.

Gotcha. To commiserate; I have grey hair as well (I’m 32). I’ve had it since I actually was in high school. I have been shaving my head for the past eight years or so, and I recently grew it out for the first time in those eight years. I was shocked at the overwhelming whiteness to my new hair. :eek:
I went back to shaving it.

Mine started turning at around 27. I let it go for over a decade + and then one day, I was walking through the local grocery store and they had Clarol Natural something or other on clearance for $1.50 and thought, “what the heck” it will grow out if I hate it. It was fun at 40 to look like I was in my early 30’s. It colored the hair and beard. I freaked out that the skin under and around my beard looked black, but it washed off.

Will I keep it up like the Mother-in-law? No, but when it grows out is when I need a hair cut any way, so I have no roots showing when I go in to the Sports clips and I come out fully S&P.

I think of it like any other grooming I do, and sometimes I just let the grey show for months at a time. It’s just a matter of what I want to see when I look in the mirror…

I’ve had students who have started getting their first grey hairs their sophomore year of high school!

Yes, I’ve known two twins who had grey hairs around 30 too. I also had a lock of white hair in my early 20s, but it never went beyond that until I was 40+.

Apart from dying your hair, I can’t see what you could do.

My first gray hairs showed up when I was a junior in high school.

I don’t care so much about grey hair on my head, but a few months ago I found one on one of my eyebrows and I plucked that sucker within seconds flat.

Hey, you know what’s worse than grey and balding before 30? Grey and balding *after *30. Because then you don’t just *look *old, you really *are *old. :frowning:

I’m 26 and for a couple years now people have been commenting at how shocked they are when they notice how grey my hair is. I’m thinking by the time I’m 40 I will probably be completely grey. No plans on coloring it! I kinda like the Steve Martin/Anderson Cooper look!

I started getting grey hair when I was sixteen. It started becoming noticeable around 21/22. It started becoming necessary to dye it about 3-4 years afterwards. My hair is still mostly dark, mind, but the area right around my part is where the grey is concentrated, so it’s super noticeable. I have one or two grey eyebrow hairs, as well.

And then the other day, I found (spoiler for those who don’t want to know):

…a grey pube.

Fuck me, I’m not even thirty…

I worked with a fellow, many years ago, who was full-on salt-and-pepper by the time he was 24.

Of course, he was a bit of a jokester, so the office opinion was that he got another gray hair every time he told a lie :D.

And as others have said, be glad you have it at all - two of my brothers were visibly balding by 30.

The same thing happened with me. I’m probably older than you, and in my time there were few if any options available.

There is a positive aspect to going bald at an early age, at least compared with going bald in middle age. In the latter, and far more common scenario, advancing baldness seems to be a blatant symbol of the fact that you’re no longer a young man. But if you’ve already lost most of your hair while you are still obviously young physically, in every other way, it can actually be less painful.

I admit, I’d rather have kept my hair. But since I did lose it, I’m actually grateful it happened years ago, long before I reached the typical age at which it happens.

Made me smile. My hubby and I shared a somewhat similar moment. :slight_smile:

I am one of those women…mmmrrrow!

Sorry Angel but this was hilarious :smiley: