Gray Hair

Um, I was in a shoe store a few days ago, and I almost fell asleep on one of those benches with mirrors. I can see my scalp when I lie down like that. Anyway, I saw that some of my hair is not my normal brown. It is white. I think I’m graying! I’m only 13!!! :eek: :eek:

Not to worry, you’re probably just turning Goth. It starts to happen about then.

My brother’s hair went from “dusty white” to pure white at that age. In his thirties it went back to dusty white.
But look at Jay Leno to see how much variation you can get from one patch of hair to another.
Almost everyone has slightly different hair, back neck, eyebrow, sideburn, moustache, and beard color, long before graying starts.

A little young, but I started going gray at 17.

In some cultures, gray hair is a sign of genius. So there’s no need to be upset.

Hee-hee. I’m 61 and have only a few gray hairs on my head. All the gray’s in my goatee. Yeah, I’ve got cousins a whole lot younger than I am, with white hair.

It’s the gray eyelashes that bug me.

No, if there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s all things Goth.

I knew a guy who was a few years behind me in school. He was about your age when he started to get flecks of silver/grey in his hair. He and my sister dated a while and she always loved his hair. Lots of girls thought he was really good looking.

13 is surprising but all I can tell you is my SO is my age and is competely grey (silver! I keep telling him silver…well it really is silver) and he is so much sexier than he was when he was brown. Go with it.

Why do you hate black?

Have you checked your pubes?

That’s when I started worrying about it. I started going grey around 18, and now there is just a little pepper left among the salt.

My long locks started going grey at 16. I lopped 'em off. That didn’t help. Now there’s just more of the grey.

Ah well.

It’s not a horrible look, but if you hate it, there’s always dye. :slight_smile:

You are who you are.

Don’t start with the hair dying cycle. What the hell is wrong with people in our society accepting aging and the physical changes that it brings?

I will never artificially, cosmetically modify my appearance to try to fool others into thinking I’m younger than I am; I’m 44 and have no problem growing old.

I am who I am (ack, ack ,ack ack, ack…)

My husband’s 49 and he WISHES he had a lot of grey hairs on his head. He’d be happy for hair of any color on top of his head…his scalp gets sunburned a lot.

I’ve told him and told him, he needs to go get a hair transplant. Between the hair on his ears and on his back, he has plenty of folllicles to transplant onto the top of his skull. Sure, they might not grow very long, but he hasn’t had long hair since the mid 70s.

I don’t mind my grey hair…it’s just that my brown hair seems rather dull and lifeless. I don’t get my hair dyed to conceal my age, but because I look better with another hair color.

I’ve always had red hair but I never gave it much thought. Then, around 50, I noticed that the, umm…pigment had started to drain out here and there. Suddenly part of my identity was slipping away! I was stunned at how much this disturbed me!

I was shopping in a Lush store and noticed the henna blocks. They smelled real interesting so I thought I’d use it to help out those poor strands that lost their pigment. Those strands were so bright and shiney I decided to go whole hog. My hair is now a bit darker but all wild red again and I feel better that my identity is intact. It was an interesting bit of self discovery.

Eh, I’m not trying to fool anyone into thinking I’m younger, I just don’t want to look older! I started going grey in my late 20s. It hasn’t advanced that much since then, but until I think that grey hair would match my face (and it emphatically doesn’t yet!) I’ll keep coloring it, thanks.

I am who I am, and who I am is brunette!

It’s just toward my scalp. The top of my head is still brown. Not sure how long it’ll stay that way, though.

I, too, had grey hair when I was 13. (My sister proved it by pulling them out and showing me.) For the longest time, there were only a few, at the top of my head. Most of the time it was out of sight out of mind.
Recently*, however they’ve begun to multiply :eek:

  • 31 years later. I think you can relax for a while. :smiley: