After five years together, my boyfriend and I are engaged, be-ringed, and the date is set. We are both in our mid-50s and it’s a second for both of us after a lengthy bit of time since our first marriages (upwards of ten years), so this is a big leap. We have set the date for next May.
I find that I am having trouble coming up with original ideas for the wedding. It will be very small – parents, sons and their SO’s, and my granddaughter, who will be four then. It will be in a church with a dinner afterward at a highly rated bar/restaurant. Between the pastors and our sons, there are a total of four guitar players, so I could incorporate that in the music.
Anybody have any original, fun ideas for it?
I have mixed feelings on the dress. On the one hand, I would rather not spend much money on something I’ll wear once, but yet I do want it to be very nice.
I feel like I am rambling, but essentially I was just looking for random ideas/suggestions. Anyone?
Congratulations very much,** Dustin**, and best of luck!
The dress I wore to get married in was actually a bridesmaid dress and cost less than $200. I could even wear it again if I had someplace to go that required that degree of swankiness.
Congratulations, Dustin! May you have a lifetime of love and friendship.
As for a dress, maybe get a nice dress you can wear a second or third time, at some future nice events.
As for something different, if the wedding party is musically inclined, then after the dinner people can hang out, break out into music and song, and folks can either sing along, or chat and visit while others are jamming together.
My sister’s Texas wedding was a potluck at someone’s house, and guitarists broke into song, others played their instruments they brought (my sister plays violin), and I learned how to 2-step Texas style as we sang along and danced. It was very relaxing, letting loose (no not drunk) and just enjoying the moment.
Anyway, just a thought, and congrats again to you!
Bullitt, the music idea sounds like a riot. I may just drop that suggestion to my fiancé. Of the 18 or so people that will be there, more than half are musicians to some degree, by avocation at least.
My most fun wedding reception was one for a young relative, whose family is also musical. They had karaoke for the music. I thought it would be really hokey, and maybe it was, but everyone had a wonderful time. No one wanted to leave.