I'm getting married!!!!

Can I play trivia at the wedding, and wear Demo’s Malificent hat? :wink:


Only if you do a duet with me of “Surf Wax America” with me Rasa. :wink:

Doob, I must say, I just never expected to see this. I’m so happy for you two! It couldn’t have happened to a more deserving couple.


Hmm, “Holiday” might be a bit more apt, but sure, I’ll sing “Surf Wax America” with ya!

You’re right, it doesn’t. There’s going to be a picture of me floating around the internet in a week or so anyway, so it doesn’t matter. :slight_smile:

Thank you all so much for your best wishes. They do mean a lot. :slight_smile:

Doob, honey? smooch :stuck_out_tongue:

Say…as long as you’re in Vegas, would you bet some virtual money for me? Twenty virtual dollars on 13 Black.

Thanks. And congrats. Many years of, ummm, virtual happiness.

I will serve in the vrtual wedding party if requested, if not just sit me in the virtual brides section. I’ll make sure I bring lots of virtual confetti to throw. 'Grats Silver
Virtually Yours:

Congratulations. Have a nice wedding. :slight_smile:

sniff they grow up so quickly.

Yes, iampunha, “they” do. So, when are you going to?

Virtual weddings? NOW you tell me! Would have saved me a real divorce. (Some of us are born to go through life being the bad examples :()

Best to you, though! And I hope you never need any more. :slight_smile:

I really think you two should go to this site before firming up your plans

it looks like the perfect place for the event.


Where is the virtual honeymoon going to take place?
Are you going to have virtual kids?
How about virtual fake orgasms? :smiley:

At the last virtual bachelor and bachelorette parties, there seemed to be a shortage of dancers. Perhaps we should also make this an open post where we can request the manifold talents of some of the Dopers for a visit at the appropriate party?

A happy life together is virtually guaranteed.

Oh yeah, don’t forget to visit:


Congratulations, honey!

Boy, if this trend continues, and everyone gets virtually married around here… who will there be to flirt with?

“Gasp” [sub]does this mean we are going to have to start flirting OFF-LINE? Oh, I don’t know about this…[/sub]

Oh, well, if you all are sure that it will make you happy, I guess you have my blessing. “Sniff”

I don’t know. Doobieous, darling? Where shall we honey moon?

Hmmm… Kids? Maybe.

Something tells me I wouldn’t have to fake with Doob. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

…does all this virtual marriage stuff mean we can’t vertually flirt anymore? Damn, I was virtually starting to have fun. Virtually, of course. struuter, Dire Wolf, iampunha, Scotticher and lurkernomore, we gotta nip this trend in the bud.

No more virtual weddings! It’s getting so one can’t virtually figure out who’s virtually boffing who, who’s virtually hitched to who and who the heck is virtually dancing on the tables for who…well, maybe not that last one (we all know that’s ** struuter**, god bless’er).

Well, congrats to you two, anyway. You two are fine, but nobody else!
Unless, of course, someone is interested in living in the snow palace…? Didn’t think so. okay, like I said: quit it.

I don’t wanna grow up. I’m a Toys ‘R’ Us kid.

BTW, just because I’m getting virtually married doesn’t mean I won’t virtually flirt anymore. Hell, a few nights ago Palmyra had to leave amidst virtual marriage plans because she had a date. Offline, even.

Anyone may feel free to flirt with me online or off. Even those female posters who hate me passionately.