It’s late afternoon here and I’m getting a little hungry. No idea what to fix for dins though. So what’s for dinner, guys? Maybe I’ll drop by your house.
Either enchilada casserole or tacos…depending on how much energy I have once I get to the kitchen. (struggle, struggle) The tacos are winning.
Grilled cheese sandwiches and chips.
I forgot to set anything out to thaw for supper.
Grilled lamb tenderloins with rosemary, baked potatoes, and either sauteed Swiss chard or a big Romain lettuce salad.
Chicken curry, brown rice and a green salad.
I am thinking about making vegetable soup… yuum
Prolly cubed steak and fries. Possibility of B&J chocolate brownie something or other for dessert.
Who needs arteries, anyway?
String cheese sticks, tangerines, and I may have a few broken tortilla chips left. (I really should stop by the market…)
I already ate because I’m about to go out, but I cooked up some chicken breasts in the oven and made a yummy chicken sandwich. Got leftovers for tomorrow too.
Who are you, Julia Child or something? On a freekin’ Tuesday? Can you fax me some??
Heh. 'Taters are already in the oven on a timer to come on at the right time, the tenderloins cook up on a grill pan in no time at all, and I can toss up a salad in about two minutes. I pick my weekdays meals for their simplicity.
You’re good. I’m available for adoption. I haven’t had lamb in ages. It’s one of my favorites. Mmmmm…lamb…
Home made rice in home made pasta sauce with hot Italian sausage and zucchini.
Leftover Steak from lastnight anyone?? I’m about to go cut up some mozzarella cheese and eat it just like that. Looks like littlebadkitty is going to eat some cereal I think.
Very quick and light chicken stir-fry. We have to go to a birthday party at a friends house and I’m not sure of the food situation.
Actually, my tacos (yes, they won the battle) are going to be damn tasty. I’ve got potatoes O’Brien mixed in with the meat and I’ve sliced avacado and a yummy-looking plum tomato. Now if Mr. K would quit staring at the truck and scratching his head, we’d be able to chow down!
Hamburgers with homemade potato salad.
Tomorrow night is grilled pork steaks simmered in homemade barbecue sauce until the meat falls from the bone and homemade potato salad. Yum.
You are welcome for dinner both nights, Jodi, but tomorrow night will be the tastier option. Salad or some other sop to health will also be available.
Probably leftovers from last night so it’ll be fried potatoes, veggies (most likely carrots and some squash) and hot roast pork sandwiches.
Tomorrow I’m debating between hamburgers or sweet and sour meatballs. Or maybe porcupines. I have the makings of all three.
Aaaw. This reminds me of my Grandpa who died when I was little. I’ll always remember once when I was talking to him on the phone and he was eating raisins and said he would push me one through the phone. Being little I could completely imagine this working out.
Anyhoo, probably Van de Kamps fish fillets and Stouffer’s mac and cheese.
And a Fast Break candy bar for dessert (27 cents at Price Chopper–I got ten!)
Corned beef, potatoes boiled in the same water and quick cooked and cooled cabbage so it is still nice and green.