The one in the white dress. I swear to God, I feel like I’m going to explode when she does the little shimmy with her dress over her garter belt.
Amen, brother.
The one in the white dress. I swear to God, I feel like I’m going to explode when she does the little shimmy with her dress over her garter belt.
Amen, brother.
I don’t think love is the right word, but you definitely have a point.
Damn you man! Freakin’ song won’t get out of my head now…
Had a weird DK flashback whilst to it I listened
They’re all quite fetching, although there’s something unfortunate about the brunette’s hairdo.
You noticed her hairdo?
She looks like an unusually well endowed stalk of broccoli.
I’m a girl.
I dunno, dude. Of the three, she seems the most bimbo brainless of them all. She displays all the characteristics of someone who doesn’t know what she’s doing, but if she turns her head the right way and pouts, it seems to get her free drinks.
So? Then eat her with some parmesan cheese…
Youth…its wasted on the wrong people…
Well, broccoli is okay, but I’m really more of an asparagus kind of guy.
I could be wrong, but I don’t think VCO3 is interested in her brain.
If she turned her head the right way and pouted toward me, I’d buy her a drink. Especially if she wore that dress and kept flipping it up like that! :eek:
But see, here’s the thing - there’s just enough exaggeration in her pouts and head-turns that it’s like she’s making fun of any guy watching and acknowledging that those pouts and swishes are all it takes to have complete control over you. And that makes it hot.
Oookay. Well, her name’s Charlotte McKenna. And unfortunately, this is her MySpace page.
Yeah, unfortunately we get to see more of her scantily clad self on her herspace. :rolleyes:
Yup. No accounting for taste, I guess; there’s nothing wrong with the ladies in question, but hot enough to warrant a thread (let alone two)? I think not.
And now, after listening to the CD, I suspect that they didn’t intend old-punk-irony at the sections that reminded most of DK. Not so much of a punk feel as I originally thought. Unless the entire album is meant to be anti, but it doesn’t really have that vibe.