I'm officially off the market!

Not that I’ve been on the market or anything lately…but anyhoo, I’m engaged! Whoo hoo!

He proposed on my birthday, with a dozen red roses, a sofa on the beach (set up for us ahead of time by his roommate, covered with flower petals, with flowers and a rug at our feet), and beautiful words.

I’m marrying my best friend!

Teaching: The ultimate birth control method.

Laura’s Stuff and Things

Congrats! Nice proposal.

That is so beautiful. Congratulations to both of you!

Now I am so glad I didn’t post my crush on the crushes and fantasies thread!

Congratulations, Laura. Anybody who’d go to all that trouble simply to propose is obviously a keeper.

A page from Pluto’s past:

I feel I should mention that it was a mere night ago that Ruff was in the IRC chatroom in her bathrobe with goop all over her face, eating all our ice cream and whining like a lost puppy that her boyfriend wasn’t going to pop the question on her birthday.
hehehe. Congrats.

wooohooo Congrats!!! May you have a lifetime of happiness together.

** Sigh. So many men, so few who can afford me ** Original by Wally

I’ve learned that if someone says something unkind about me, I must live so that no one will believe it.

Homepage: www.superlativeandsassy.com
Occupation: Temptress
Location: Ultra, California
Interests: surpluses, excesses, abundances, extras, lagniappes
profile by UncleBeer

Congrats, from another recently engaged person. Do you have a ring? If you do, and you’re not used to wearing jewelry (as I am), you’ll often find yourself staring at the ring, moving it around in the light to see which angle makes it look the prettiest. And then you’ll think of all the ring and the guy who gave it to you means to you, and you’ll smile. And then other people will look at you staring at your hand, moving it around, and smiling, and they’ll think you’re crazy. And you won’t care at all.

Congrats again!

That’s great, but did you really have too share such news with us? :wink:

Yer pal,


One week, one day, 23 hours, 32 minutes and 7 seconds.
359 cigarettes not smoked, saving $44.90.
Life saved: 1 day, 5 hours, 55 minutes.

Congratulations, Ruffian! And the same to your excellent man, who sounds like he’s as good at romance as he is friendship.

All happiness to both of you.


How wonderful for you, Laura! I wish you both a lifetime of love and happiness together. :slight_smile:

[ul][li]“Shayna… [one of] the most despised posters on this board.” As declared by WallyM7. (And if you want to know who the others are, click here. I’m in very good company!)[/li][li]“Mom, he’s a neo Nazi! He’s a doctor also? Well…” - an original WallyM7 sig.[/li][*]“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” - Anne Frank[/ul]

This just in:

A rash of suicides, coupled with
unprecedented monastery and priesthood enrolments swept the country today, in the wake of ruffian’s marriage announcement.

Both Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Cruise were unavailable for comment, said a spokesman for the Foreign Legion, who acted as their recruitment officer.

“There is no doubt that ruffian has left behind a trail of broken hearts, causing the entire male population of the world to go into mourning,” remarked a spokesman for George Clooney, who was too distraught to issue a statement.

Mel Gibson has announced that he will pursue sky diving without a parachute as a hobby.

When questioned by reporters, Gibson said, “What’s the difference? Nothing matters anymore.”

Ruffian was said to be unamused by this moronic post.

Live long and prosper, ruff. :slight_smile:

It’s okay. I’m castrated, remember?
Heh heh heh.

Congrats. I’d say good luck, but marrying your best friend is a good idea to begin with, so you probably won’t need it.

Anyway, right on!

Heck, Melin and I have been married 16 years and she STILL does that.

Congratulations, Ruffian. I guess this explains why we didn’t see you guys last weekend. :wink:

HAH! HAHAHAHA! <—This is the sound the burst from my lips as soon as I read that. Totally made me “LOL”–but almost explosively!

And Wally–snicker snicker snicker! Thank you for that post. That was hilarious! (And very flattering) I am, in fact, VERY amused by your moronic post. :wink: I mean…your clever and outright funny post!

Highlander and DB: Today at school I’d erase the board and pause to just look at the ring and how the light catches it. Or, I’d go to pick something up, or pass out papers…yeah, I liked looking at it. Teaching today was so hard, though!

I had been wearing large silver rings on this hand–just costume jewelry, onyx and marcasite (or however it’s spelled). So, it doesn’t feel funny, but it kinda looks funny to me. There’s a ring tan on my index finger that needs to fade! And everything feels so light now that those big silver rings are gone.

You know, I have no idea where those rings are right now. And I seriously do not care.

Thank you again for all your sweet sentiments! The complete story of the proposal (for those who like a good mushy story) is here: http://fathom.org/ubb/Forum5/HTML/000024.html

Thank you all!

:::resumes the happy dance:::

Teaching: The ultimate birth control method.

Laura’s Stuff and Things

Best wishes, long life and happiness to you both. Great news!


Felicitations, Laura!

Methinks he set the bar a bit high for himself, though…!

“Hush, village idiot!”

Wonderful, Laura! Hope you are happy together forever. :slight_smile:

Huh?Somehow I thought you reported on this.So when is the wedding, and how much will it cost?

See Ruff, we TOLD you to keep the faith in the chatroom the other night! I had a feeling your now fiancee would propose on your birthday.

Same thing happened with my older bro and his Fiancee. She thought he wouldn’t propose to her the night of her b-day dinner, but he did(they even got free spumoni from the restaurant to share, with two candles). He hid his intentions well, they even talked about it on the car ride there. Suffice to say it surprised her, and she was a very happy woman that night.
Anyway, congrats Ruffian! Good things come to those who wait.

Congratulations! Make sure you don’t look at your ring too much while you’re driving (like I did) - you need to avoid those car accidents!