I'm pregnant, but I fear it's doomed.

I previously did the Ask the girl who is doing Intrauterine Insemination thread. We did three and none worked. Last year we also did three Clomid cycles, one resulting in a pregnancy and early loss. After a year of hard work (and after a previous 7+ years of no protection and one pregnancy and loss in 2007) we decided to take this summer off before our IVF this winter.

Well, we got a surprise positive pregnancy test last week. They progressively got darker, and I went in for a blood test last Thursday. It’s a miracle!

I got my blood test results yesterday and they were very low (27 for 13 - 15 DPO) and I went in for another yesterday. I’m not super hopeful anymore and just want this third miscarriage to start already.

I guess the good thing is that since this is my third loss, I am now going to get some repeat loss testing done before the IVF. No use spending all that money if my stupid uterus can’t hold on to the embryo. :rolleyes:

Shoot. Well, I’m keeping my fingers crossed anyways.

I’m sorry to hear that.

Hoping the best for you, EmAnJ. Think sticky!

When will you get results of your second test?

I was hoping today, but it’s six now so the office is closed. Hopefully tomorrow.

Definitely sending healing, growing, sticky thoughts your way.

Can you explain what this means? I’m not familiar with blood work for pregnancies.

In any case…best wishes!


My fingers are crossed for you! Think good thoughts!!

Sending out good vibes!

They are testing my beta hcg, which is the ‘pregnancy hormone’. I was somewhere between 13 and 15 days past ovulation, and they have a range of numbers that I should fall within for a good possibility of a successful pregnancy. I am within that range (the low end starts at 17), but barely. The average number for where I was is closer to around 150, so I was really low. There is a small glimmer of hope that my numbers still progress (they should double about every couple of days), and I’ll find that out tomorrow, but knowing my history, this one is probably doomed too.

Thanks for all the best wishes everyone, btw!

Good luck to you. I’ve been the infertility route and can understand some of what you’re going through. It sucks.

Crossing my fingers for you.

I am 9 1/2 weeks into a pregnancy after back to back 6 week miscarriage. My beta levels also tend to be low. I know exactly how you’re feeling with “wanting the miscarriage to start” already. I will send you good, sticky thoughts and hope you have a happy ending.

Hoping for the best for you. It would be such a pleasure to see your long struggle finally pay off… and if the worst happens, I’ll be thinking of you. If it opens the door to further testing, perhaps it will lead to the breakthrough you’ve been waiting on.

This. In theory, I understand why infertility doctors don’t want to open fire with both barrels for every case, but in practice… it’s maddening.

Sending you sticky thoughts.

Fingers crossed for you. I’ve had 4 early miscarriages so I absolutely know that feeling of hope plus doom. Let us know how the numbers come out tomorrow. I’ll be thinking of you.

Thanks, that’s actually exactly what I’ve been focusing on. More testing is a good thing.

Think positive, maybe that will help things stay sticky. I’ll mention you in my prayers tonight. Even if I don’t know your name God will know who is meant.

Sticky, sticky, sticky!!!