I'm proud that I never posted....

in the “Earth is flat. I read it in the paper.” thread.

Of course, if you go by word count, then, statistically, no-one did…except Phaedrus.

Oh, I wanted to, badly. It bugs me when someone is provided with incontrovertible evidence and says, in effect, “Nuh-uh!”

And I make this solemn vow: I will not post in that thread, regardless of how much I’d love to say “Damn it! You’ve been proven wrong seventeen different ways! Give it up!

:::deep, cleansing breath:::

Ahh. That’s better.

Yeah, but see now you have!

Nope. I’m just doing my part to help consign that thread to Coventry.

But Rhysdad, we’ll never hit the Post1K mark with that kind of attitude…

(isn’t a ‘K’ 1024? So shouldn’t we be worrying about Y2K in the year 2048?)

It’s gone, locked, dead.

And no Great Debates thread will ever get that long again. I vow it to be so. Heck, the Atheist Religion thread was only six hundred and some messages long and it got all screwed up.

David B compares the Flat earth thread with the

Yah, but The Flat Earth thread was pretty much screwed up from about page two.

Quality, not quantity, that is the key consideration.


The road to truth is long, and lined the entire way with annoying bastards.
Alexander Jablokov The Place of No Shadows

Well said, Tris!

(That was supposed to be #625 in the Atheist Religion thread, but A. it wouldn’t post… and wouldn’t post… and wouldn’t post… and B. it’s applicable here too.)

Would you believe I read every post in that thread?
I learned a lot, but none of it from you-know-who.

I admire David, the Doc, Phil, Gaudere and the others for their incredible patience.

Too bad it was wasted on one who is either mad or insane.

And the KGB fiasco was just pathetic.

Wally said:

I read most of ‘em. By the end I wasn’t bothering to read Phaedrus’ babbling.

Dr. Fidelius was the one who achieved sainthood for his patience in that thread. He kept on longer than anybody else, I think. Now, in a new thread started by Phaedrus, there are a couple of people who are actually asking him serious questions – silly people. We’ll see how long they last.

Or both. :slight_smile:

Wasn’t it? KGB shows up, makes Phaedrus-like posts, insists he’s not Phaedrus, flames away and loses his access, and then < poof > Phaedrus just happens to come back as soon as KGB is gone. Amazing coincidence…