I'm sick, Tell me what I've got

first of all, I just want to know what could cause these symptoms and no matter what anyone says whether a doctor or not I’m still going to see my personal doctor I just want to know what I’m in for…

ok here are my symptoms, I’m a college student living in the dorms it’s Tuesday (6/4/02) now.

(5/28/02) - (5/31/02) watery eyes particularly the right eye
(5/31/02) - present headaches, intermitant but always lingering
(5/31/02) - present dizzyness and disorientation when I get up fast or make sudden movements
(5/31/02) - present joint pain, especially in the spine and neck
(5/31/02) - present I’m always tired, I’ve slept much more than normal, I take naps and go to bed earlier, it doesn’t seem to be helping.

Any ideas? I appreciate any help and mods if you think this should be moved go ahead. Thanks in advance

I had the same thing this summer. I don’t know what it was, but it went away after a week or so… I sympathise man… that was the most hellish time I’ve had in a long while.

Sounds like mononucleosis to me - those symptoms are very similar to the ones I had when I had mono, oh so many moons ago.

It wont kill you, and there really isn’t much treatment besides bed rest, but yer spleen will get all big and soggy and easily ruptured, so you have to be careful with sports of a couple of months, IIRC.

However, this is just my WAG so a trip to the Dr. is really a good idea.

Like Speaker said, there is some type of virus, with those symptoms, going around right now. It went through my household, my ex’s household, and my parent’s household about a month and a half ago. Lasted a good week. Seriously sucked.

Yes, definitely still go to your doctor, it could be Mono, or something similar.

Hope you feel better soon.


maybe it’s depression

Could me meningitis, but I hope not. Get it checked out ASAP.

Could be meningitis, but I hope not. Get it checked out ASAP.