I'm still giddy with delight!

Two days ago, one of my close circle of friends from high school called me to announce that she and her husband had a baby boy two weeks ago! Since this wonderful news came on a particularly crappy day, I was elated - especially because none of us knew she was pregnant or even trying! She had kept it a secret from everyone who didn’t actually see her in person, and she alluded to past difficulties, so it was an incredible surprise! Even more so because she is over 46 and I’m pretty sure he’s well over 50 (though I may be wrong!) and they only got married a few years ago!

I am still so bubbly with delight! I have to make a quilt now, and wait for pictures on the internet, and plan a road trip to Baltimore some day to see the little sweetie! Since we never knew they were trying for a family, it seems so extra special to get the news! My daughter is the oldest of our collective spawn at 21, and we thought there would be no more after the last was born 5 years ago…we were all waiting for grandmotherhood! Now we collectively have eight boys and four girls, and I don’t feel so old anymore! Yippee!

Of course, I’m glad it was her and not me! My “baby hungries” are for cuddletime, not keepers!

Welcome, little Stephen!