I'm sure this means something to someone

Today’s mystery prose (from a catalog description of a seed dispenser, for planting vegetable seeds)"

Are you sure you were reading a seed catalog, and not a copy of “Jabberwocky”?

knurling! I love knurling! It’s always good to know the word for something you didn’t even know they had a word for. Knurling is those little crosshatchies they put on metal handles for a better grip.

My favorite mystery graffito lately is the one nearby that says, “EMO MILITIA”. :dubious:

I saw an ad on a bus the other day with a picture of a bottle of pills on it:

"Kids thinking for themselves? Fix it with Obay[sup]TM[/sup].

From the makers of BecauseISaidSo[size=0][sup]TM[/sup][/size]"

There was no website URL or anything else on the ad. :confused:

Not to be all fun-busting, but yeah, it makes sense, doesn’t it?

Knurled = gnarled, or with vertical scratch lines, like the side of a quarter.

Wheel = a piece of the seed dispensing machinery

Vibrates = moves in a shaking manner

Poly = polyethylene? polyester? Poly-something, probably stiff and plastic

Scoop = another part of the seed dispensing machine.

So a bumpy wheel turns, and the vibrations of [something] hitting the bumps makes the plastic scoop shake and dispense the seeds.

Spoilsport. :wink:

Killjoy. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m sorry! I’m sorry!

Let me try to repair the thread I so carelessly broke:

My daughter informed me this morning that’s she’s a “car beep”. Not a beeping car, or a car alarm, but a “car beep”. She then declared that, as a car beep, she is orange, and my suggestion that she be a pink car beep is silly.


I guess it’s a occupational hazard, being an engineer and all, but I didn’t see that phrase as being particularly bizarre.

However, I have to agree that a pink car beep is most definitely silly.


Or an ad for a “personal pleasure device?”

Too little, too late.


No answers, mate, but this very subject is being discussed here.

Google is fun. I found the Seedmaster Seed Dispenser. “Eliminates thinking!” Oh wait. It says “eliminates thinning!” But damn, the print is so small I can barely read it and the picture looks like a red trout.

Wow!!! I mean… just… Wow!!! It’s amazing how far we have evolved past the “Poke a hole in dirt - Insert seed - Shuffle dirt back into hole - Apply water” stage of tiny seed planting.

supercilious sniff

YOU use DIRT? Mmmm…bless your heart.


Aerogarden aficionado

Yours too? My daughter once matter-of-factly let me know that she was now a purple moo. I wasn’t aware that people could become a moo, let alone a purple one. When I asked her why she decided that she was becoming a purple moo she looked me in the eye and said, “Because it’s moo season, Daddy. Everyone knows that!” :rolleyes: For a whole week we couldn’t call her by name, we had to call, “Purple Moo, it’s time for dinner!” When the week was up, she was back to “normal”.

Ooh, I hate planting tiny seeds. Things like lobelia or moss rose? I just scatter the seed, let them all sprout and battle to the death. No way am I thinning 1,000 seedlings in a 3" pot.

Yeah, but if you had a knurled wheel shaking your poly scoop, you wouldn’t need to thin them! The ad says so!

[singing]Shake your knurled thing, shake your knurled thing, yeah yeah! Show 'em how we do it now…[/singing]

It appears that I had a very boring childhood. Shame, really.

If poly scooping you is wrong, I don’t want to be right.