I'm working and I'm happy.

As some of you know, I recently passed through an extended period of random and occasional employment. That has ended. Just in time, too: a week after my unemployment ran out. I said it was extended, since there were gaps in the unemployment benefits when I worked.

I am working for a company that provides home automation systems for the preposterously wealthy. Computer moguls, mostly. Having never minded separating these people from their money in a manner that leaves both them and me happy, this is a good match. It also helps that the work itself plays to my professional strengths. I will be able to mold the process into what I know to be the right way. I guess they will have to get used to somebody who actually has a philosophy of CAD!

And the people like me! They really like me! Or pretend well, which is okay. And I’ll have a minion! And will soon have an office with a window. I’ll have to share it with the minion and the plotter, but so what? It’s an OFFICE with a WINDOW!

Sorry for the self-satisfied wallow in my good fortune, but I was SO SICK of looking at worn-out (VERY worn-out!) carpet I couldn’t afford to replace. Now I hardly have time to look at it!

  • Congratulations! * And while it is no surprise that the people like and appreciate you, it will be fun to hear your stories about being followed by your ‘minion’, grapes anyone???

Had one for the first week and a half, but he was a temp and found another job. Which was good, because he wasn’t my first choice.

That’s great news, dropzone! I went through a big change a few months ago and am still riding high on just how much it can finally change life.

Good luck to you, pal!


I saw you mention your plight a couple of times, but decided that sometimes misery doesn’t love company.

I just finished my first week of work after 3 months of unemployment. I got no UI at all. Ow, the debt! It hurts, it hurts!)

I’m also very pleased with where I wound up. Though I don’t see a window office in my near future, I do see room to grow with a young company. And, like you, I wound up working with a great group of people. (Plus, my cubicle is bigger that Dilbert’s!)

Anyway, congratulations! Hey, I just got a paycheck, can I buy you a beer?

What exactly would happen if the government took away your unemployment? Do they actually do that? Or do they take SOME of it away? I mean, how do you survive with NO money?

Visa, Mastercard, and another Visa. UI = unemployment insurance. I got none. No income for three months. It’s not fun, I assure you.

Geez, Gatsby, that would suck heavily. And you should have shared earlier. We’re here to say “That’s too bad.” Okay, we can’t do much more than that, but you can always use some sympathy. Did you not qualify or were you like some people I’ve met and simply not register, thinking you’d be turned down? I’ve had to tell some folks that UI is insurance that they paid for and, the best part, sticks your former employer! Revenge is sweet when your ex-boss has to pay for you being out of work!

Thanks, all, for your good wishes. If any of you have Autocad experience, live in the Chicago area, and are looking for work let me know. Or just live in Chi. This joint is growing quickly and will have openings all along.

AntiPro, I am currently sans-minion, so could you peel me one of those grapes?

…so I’m breaking out the champagne and caviar!

::::::::::handing a reclining ** dropzone ** peeled grapes and fanning him with feather::::::::::::::::::::

How’s that sweetie??? You can keep the little egg thingies for yourself, but here’s some delicious strawberries, picked just for you!!

Why, thank you, dear. Please, recline while I feed you one of these strawberries. Champagne?

Why does this surprise you? WE like you very much, and we are a very discerning bunch!

Congratulations on the ducky new job!


Actually, Scotti, I have always been surprised when anybody like me, no matter how often it happens. I’m also surprised when people don’t like me. Surprised that they noticed me. Lousy self-esteem, but better than before therapy and mediction. I still don’t trust people to the point of paranoia, but that’s better than it was, too.

But enough about me. Champagne? Appetizers?

Why, drop honey, thanks for asking. I’d love an appetizer, but I had best say no to the champagne-it goes straight to my head, don’t you know?

Say, what’s in these appetizers, anyway?


Oh, nothing special, Scotti. (hehehe!) Champagne goes straight to your head? All the better!