“Make wrongly describing a casserole with a pastry lid as a pie a criminal offence.”
I can get behind this
“Make wrongly describing a casserole with a pastry lid as a pie a criminal offence.”
I can get behind this
Since 1997 they have created something like 3000 new crimes so I am fairly certain it already is an offence.
Too long we have suffered under this cruel tyranny. Honest pies for honest people, say I.
It’d probably fall under false advertising.
And it’s evil. Pure evil.
Yes, why can’t they make a proper pie with full pastry casing? Then at least they’d be earning an honest crust.
I am in favour of this measure.
I think the idea is capital.
Or at least it should be.
I am completely with you on this. Not sure if the SDMB will get it though, because ‘pie’ and ‘casserole’ don’t mean the same across the pond
Bloody Wigan supporters seem to get wound up about every little thing
That’s not a pie. This is a pie.
Who ate all the pies?
Who ate all the pies?
…well, I guess it wasn’t you, if you were going to one of these so-called “pubs.” Yer still a fat bastard, though. Probably did eat all the bleedin’ pies.
Were I in the land of Eng, I’d be right on this, though–we’ve got similar conniving “pubs” who pull this nonsense here in the States. Crust is the best part–you can’t go around depriving us of it!