Was talking to Silver Fire in chat …we’re kinda planning a mini-DopeFest out here at the farm next Sunday. Since you two and Silver are both broke I proposed a pot-luck out here at my place. The Vikings game starts at noon so let’s plan on that for a time, eh? I know you might have the kids - they’re welcome, too - if you stick around late enough they can see my father milk cows; they may get a charge out of that
Am posting here cos some other MN Dopers might be interested…all are welcome - as long as you bring food with you Oh, and suggestions for a main course welcome - chilli maybe? Lasagna?
If anyone comes up from the Cities there’s no prob with overnight sleeping space - plenty of it here.
it might mean bringing a kid or two. Would that be all right with you? I am the only one up right now, so I will discuss it later with Bob when he gets up. We would love to see the farm, I’m sure, and meet Silver Fire. It just would take a little arranging because of visitation.
I don’t know yet if I could make it. I’ve got some contractors coming in that day to start some remodeling, and their schedules are booked weeks in advance.
Spider Woman - As I said in my email…yes, kids are cool - just keep them out of the crystal, eh?
Rysdad - really enjoyed meeting you previously - would like to see you again
lno - you, too…next time, ok?
Also…would not have a problem with this happening again, for those who can’t make it this time around. Is nice to have a place where I can accomodate plenty of people
So far, nothing is going on then for us. imthjckaz took his daughter to skating practice in the Cities tonight, so I can’t say for sure, but it will probably be fine. He is going to make guacamole sauce as our offering, and we will bring chips, if that is okay.
Ah, well, at least someone loves me…thanks, Spidey! Guacamole and chips is fine; just warn imthjckaz he’s not to bitch about my chili [sub]I AM a Swede, remember [/sub]
sigh This is what I get for moving to Texas. And I wish I could be there, even if y’all are a bunch of Viqueens fans I’ll be with y’all in spirit, tho.