In case somebody wants to get ahold of me.

[Batman TV show spinning headline effect with accompanying music flourish]
Bosda Goes Missing During Work Hours - World Nervous

Meanwhile, in his underground lair…

Bosda: “Yes. Yes. Now that I have them lulled into a false sense of security, I can unleash my fiendish master plan!”

unwitting Dope[r]: “What plan is that, Boss? Hih? Huh? Huh?”

Bosda: “While they are all wollowing in their supposed safety from my e-mail replies, I carefully compile a list of cute kitten names…”

u D[r]: “Yeah!? Yeah!?”


U D[r]: “… um, …yeah…”

B: “Don’t you see what that will do?”

u D[r]: “Um, cause SkipMagic to move the thread wih a pithy little witticism?”

B: “No! It will cause SkipMa… Wait a minute. What did you just say?”

This message is not from the real Bosda!
There is no sig line!
Who are you and what have you done with the real Bosda

But…but…How will I know what to do when confronted with a moral dilemma? I generally ask “What Would Bosda Do?”.

Couldn’t you have just placed this OP in your AutoSig?


Only a fucking imbecile of a mod would believe this dumbass alibi!


Sorry 'bout that. Should have turned on my voice mail. Don’t concern yourself over me, though. Direct all your energy to worrying about our beloved Bosda Di’Chi of Tricor!

Oh man! That one rocks!

Could this please be made a sticky?

Your post saying you were headed to the bathroom was at 10:08 AM. Rufus Xavier raised the alarm and tried to find you at 10:10 AM. You finally answered at 1:38 PM. By my math that’s about three and a half hours before you replied. Did everything come out ok?


He was, no doubt, trying to follow gaucho’s suggestion.

I don’t think that’s the way he meant it, though.

It’s gonna be okay folks! School’s out for summer and I’m gonna be here all day every day. I will fill all your attention whoring needs.

[sub]See? I’m good, no?[/sub]

[Stanley Kowalski]
[/Stanley Kowalski]

Oh, I don’t know…I find it adds a certain structure to my schedule.

Get up, two cups of coffee, cigarette, take dump, Bosda.

Egg salad on whole wheat, iced tea no sugar, Bosda.

Little black dress, cocktails and canapes, Bosda.

And, like Dr. Pepper, at ten, two, and four.

Something like this:

Bosda is
at his desk
on the phone with the pope
trying to take over the world
[X ]Masturbating like a Motherf*ck!!!

I understand the words, but together they make no sense.

Will Bosda now sell his story for $500,000 ?

you rock!

Bosda, you know we love you man. Otherwise you would have been ignored.


Well, that, and the fact that the staff are all a bunch of communist liberal wankers. You especially. :smiley:

Has Bosda been back at all? My guess is he’s wisely shunning this thread. :slight_smile: