Why is it so hard for some people to comprehend that not everyone who gets plastic surgery has abnormal self esteem issues? That some people who get the surgery do it just for themselves, not to please anyone else, not in an attempt to change their whole lives?
Before I had my boobs done I had NOTHING. I was as flat as the wall. No one ever told me they thought my chest was unattractive. There were still men willing to have sex with me. However, I felt that my chest was unattactive, and I wanted to change it. I didn’t want to look like Dolly, but I wanted a little something up top. So when I was 21 I had my breasts enlarged. Nothing major, just went to a B cup. They look and feel perfectly normal, and I KNOW THIS FOR A FACT. People are NOT laughing at my “bad” boob job behind my back. Now I like the way my chest looks, and that is that. It really is that simple. I don’t have any deep dark issues that I was trying to fix by having this surgery. I mean, of course I HAVE issues, and some of them involve my self esteem, but who doesn’t? I don’t think anyone is 100 percent OK with themselves physically and mentally all of the time. As long as the person considering surgery knows that it won’t change their world, or make them a different person, lay off! Stop trying to psychoanalyze us! You don’t know me, so don’t try to tell me how sad it is that I had to resort to changing my appearance to try to feel better about myself. I had a feature I didn’t like, that’s all!
And to all the people who insist that they can spot a boob job a mile away–that’s only because so much attention has been drawn to the bad jobs. I bet you pass plenty of women on the street every day and don’t give them a second glance because they had the good sense not to go overboard AND YOU CANT TELL! And geez, what about all the small women out where with naturally huge breasts, maybe you think some of them had bad breast enlargements? Sheesh.
I saw that thread and thought a lot of people were being cruel. I remembered that you had the surgery done, and felt bad knowing you were reading those responses. I personally have never seen or felt implant breasts, so I can’t judge either way. I suspect the same is true for many that posted, but they judged anyway.
Improving your body doesn’t make you a bad person. Just feel good about yourself and ignore the ignorance.
I know alot of folks joke about it. But, you’re right, what matters is what YOU think. If you’re happier, great. you obviously took this step after great thought and research. more power to ya.
Michi, go on with your bad self. You forget that everyone here is a pop-psychologist.
Odd that folks knock plastic surgery as being for shallow folks “appearances don’t matter” they say, but…
how many of those here work out, not talking about for medical, cardio, etc…but for bigger stronger muscles (your job at your desk does not require enourmous pecktorals) or tan, wear makeup, buy the latest clothes…etc, etc, etc…
I know there are some of you who will come back screaming at how you only look at what’s within, don’t care what people think. Fine, you’re perfect.
we are all vain, it’s just easy to pick on folks who have had plastic surgery. SO just live and let live.
Personally, I have no problems with plastic surgery. I encourage it for both men and women who desire any form of self improvement. Men, according to some article I read, are going in for face lifts more frequently now. I have known women who have had implants and having known a few before the operation, have been impressed not only at the results, but at the changes it made in them, personally.
Hey, if people can spend thousands of bucks on gym fees, gym outfits, personal trainers, exercise gear and work their butts off for hundreds of hours just to get and keep better legs or bodies – then plastic surgery is an option that is probably cheaper. Especially since some people, no matter how hard they work out, never really develop along the lines they want. They just get strong.
People get new teeth implanted to look better, guys and women dye their hair, men get hair implants, colored contact lenses change eye color – so a woman wants a boob job. So what. She has to go under the knife – not you.
I added my (unsolicited) opinion to the thread I believe you’re referring to, and I stated that, IMHO, breast enlargement would be a waste of money and an unnecessary medical risk. I should’ve added: “…if it was done for someone else’s benefit.”
Anyone who wants to alter their own body for their own reasons has every right to do so, and more power to 'em.
Of course not everybody who gets plastic surgery has abnormal issues with self-esteem.
But I think a lot of them do. Sure, people do all sorts of things to improve their appearance.
But spending thousands of dollars at a gym or hiring a personal trainer or having someone make you a new nose or stick plastic in your chest is a bit extreme, especially because oftentimes the person is not unattractive to begin with. It makes you wonder why the person is feeling so bad about himself or herself, especially if a woman goes from a A to a D or something strange like that.
You were talking to me, I know.
And yes, I have seen for myself a number of bad boob jobs, because I go to a strip club a lot. They look terrible. They are round and bizarre and they don’t bounce right. And they are always so disproportionate.
I wasn’t saying that all plastic surgery is bad or indicative of mental illness, but I look at these things a lot and I wonder what the hell they were thinking.
And I also watch my friend and all the men who like her the best, even though she’s not even an A.
It’s so nice to know that lots and lots of woman have breast that look and feel just like the real thing. I’m so glad it makes them happy.
As I have said before, but I’m so GOOD at self-righteous!
Michi, I apologize for any extreme things I have said on the subject. And it IS just that the bad ones are SO bad and SO obvious that they have colored my thinking. But I will not take back any nice things I have said about our less-endowed sisters, and I still will try to talk women out of unnecessary, cosmetic implants. (Note that this does not include cancer survivors!) I will probably contiunue to hold negative opinions about body modifications of all sorts, but will try to separate the more reasoned ones from the “Yeeew! Gross!” ones.
And I will try to understand people doing these things for themselves. I suppose that’s because I have a body image significantly better than reality–walking past a mirror is ALWAYS a nasty surprise!
As in all things, subtlety is important. You, as the classy broad you are, have chosen subtlety over excess. I am glad for it. I am curious about them and you and comfort and sensation and all, and I would love to ask you many questions about them, but I’ll leave that for somebody else. And I would like to get in that line for purely scientific purposes. And it would be nice to see some that are appropriately sized and don’t look forced onto too small a frame.
Finally, as an archeologist, I can just imagine disinterring Anna Nicole Smith a couple thousand years from now. Yeesh!
Simplified, and without the editorializing, I am sorry for saying anything that might have offended you, Michi, and I will be more circumspect and openminded in the future.
I was simply stating a fact AND coming to the support of Michi, who seems to be on the receiving end of a lot of judgemental BS on this thread. Her breasts are wonderful, end of story.
And I don’t mind a little Black Hole Flambe’. Purging is good for the soul.