Amy, dear… we’re going to Snow Ball because when you asked me, Aaron was your boyfriend and didn’t want to go.
Remember when you were dating Aaron and he didn’t want to go to the wedding - where, mind you, you were the Maid of Honor - and you asked me to go? And I couldn’t, so you had to go stag even though he wasn’t doing anything? He just didn’t want to go?
Remember who called you after you had your abortion and listened to you cry? It wasn’t drunk daddy. It wasn’t your boyfriend at the time. It was me.
I don’t need to remind you that he hit you.
Obviously, Amy, I like you. You like me. You’ve told me. You’ve shown me. Your sister and parents have told me. Your boyfriend harasses me on AIM because he knows you like me.
I was walking on air for this past week because I was so excited that you were single again. Okay, I admit it. I was really hoping that things would happen after Snow Ball. But that’s only because I was also hoping that emotional things would happen after Snow Ball, too… and the way you’ve been acting, I thought you were hoping that too.
So why did you get back with him?
I know it’s only on a ‘trial basis.’ I know you don’t think it’s gonna work out, and I know you’ve already had a big fight about nothing… but Amy, your priorities are clear here. If I was anywhere near the top of your list, you wouldn’t have gotten back with him at all.
Oh, you’re still getting your corsage. I’ll still be your guy-in-uniform at the dance and I’ll even buy you dinner and dessert afterwards, because my grandmother always taught me that a dance date is still a date.
Funny, though… it seems more like a chore now, and less like a giddy little dance.