Incredifind Dot Com Problem

I’ve got Adware at work.

And I can’t get rid of it. IT has yet to show.

Anyway, there is a “Having Trouble Uninstalling?” link at the bottom of their page.
It says I should download their uninstaller.

Likely lunacy.

Anybody know how I can fix this?
It’s @#$%ing up my machine. :mad: :mad: :mad:

State to your boss that in the interests of preserving the security of the firm’s data, you are unable to use the computer. And go home. :smiley:

Manual and automatic removal instructions for Incredifind adware.

Many thanks. :slight_smile:

I hope this soves my problem.
We shall see…

No dice!

It still appears instead of the page I want! ARRRRGGGHHH!

Run HijackThis and post the log here.

Tech support solved it.

Do those people really think that the best way to solve problems is to piss people off? :confused:

We do what we can.

Oh, or did you mean the spyware writers?

I mean Incredifind.