The script has been approved by Lucas & Spielburg.
It is a go.
Release date: 2007. Harrison Ford will be returning.
The script has been approved by Lucas & Spielburg.
It is a go.
Release date: 2007. Harrison Ford will be returning.
Raiders of the Lost Ark 4: Indy Gets Old
Salt-and-pepper chest hair! :eek: What were they thinking?
Time to remember the possible plots: Indiana Jones And The Comfy Chair
Damn, beaten to the punch.
Ah, Mika. Yeah, this is a bit much. Hey, Hollywood, can we stop the sequel silliness already? I mean, first Rambo, and Rocky, and now Indiana Jones? What’s next, The Jazz Singer 2?
Oh, come on. Like you’re not going to go see it.
Some sequels were decent… Star Wars … George Lucas …
You never know, hell, it might just not suck. Could be pretty cool.
I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope…
I’m not going to hold my breath. Scripts have been approved before and nothing has come of it.
I want to see it, as apparently it will involve Indy as an older man, not Indy in his prime being played by an older Harrison Ford.
When I see a trailer I’ll believe it’s really being made.
I don’t care if it turns out to be Indiana Jones And The Complicated Medicare Signup Process, I’m seeing it.
It is kind of scary that Ford is older than Sean Connery was when he play Indy’s dad though.
Well, I hope they dust of Sean Connery, too.
Maybe they’ll even bring back Karen Allen? I hate unfinished love stories.
I heard years back that Karen Allen was involved–back when the rumors about the fourth movie first started. I’ve got nothing now, but it was once a rumor. But since there are also rumors of Natalie Portman playing Indy’s daughter, who better to be her mother than Marian?
On Inside the Actors Studio, Lipton brought up the fact that if you do the math in the third film, Sean Connery would have been twelve when he fathered Indy. Harrison Ford chuckled and said, “Well, but you know Sean!”
They have to introduce a Henry Jones Jr. Jr. don’t they? Ford can’t carry an action movie like he could 15 or (gulp) 25 years ago. Plus, adding a young guy to carry on the Jones name would allow for even more sequals.
With Ford’s current age and the time lapsed since the last movie, the new one would need to take place in the early 1960s. I’m trying to think of what (other than JFK) would be the angle now that the Nazis are out of the picture.
Of course if they set it in the late 1960s then there’s enough time for Indy to have had a young hunk son or adventuresome buxom daughter to be his sidekick and spawn another series.
Since the Indy movie not to involve Nazis sucked, my money is that this one will focus on ex-Nazis, and since the Da Vinci Code was such a huge seller and the two good Indy movies were about Biblical relics, I’m guessing the Spear of Destiny or the Cross will figure in this one, or perhaps the Ark of the Covenant will be unboxed and dusted off (very very carefully).
Nail those commie Vietnamese bastards?
Why a guy? Cast Gina Gershon!
This is my bet too. I’m guessing Nazi’s in hiding in 50s/60s South America, trying to locate some supernatural object to bring back the Third Reich. I’m also betting on a Nazi ‘flying saucer’ scene as well (very 50s b-movie).
No Nazis=Crap Indy
Okay, I agree. A hot babe may be a better choice.
Yeah, that’s my tip. Neo-Nazi’s using the occult artifacts that Hitler had salvaged to bring Hitler bacl and bring about the fourth reich.
Admit it, that could be cool.