<Insert Witty and Funny Title having to do with messages>

Sadly, I still use AOL in this modern world. This is because I still live with my parents <gasp>, oh wait I am only fifteen. Now onto the main point. AOL offers a feature that allows you to use a message machine to keep track of messages while you are away. I am away quite often, so I need a couple of good ones that I can rotate. Please note that I can put hyperlinks into the messages and most symbols. Any help would be greatly appreciated, so get those brains of yours thinking and make up some funny messages. In case your wondering, my current one is, I know it is really lame: No sweat, don’t worry, I’ll be back in a flash probably before you can a) cook a three minute egg b) say floccinaucinihilipilification
and yes that is a real word.

Lost In Reality

My favourite, I dont know if it’s in that link,
“I’m away or avoiding someone I don’t like, if I don’t get back to you…it’s you”