Installing the evil

Our company gets our mail server software from, from what I can tell, an American company. Every time we talk to them on the phone, they would not appear to be in India or anything. They don’t seem to outsource support.

However, they might consider outsourcing their support. Why? Because their support people seem to be either too busy or too overworked to write a proper email.

Since we’ve been paying for support (we didn’t need it for a long time), we’ve gotten these gems in response to email queries:

  1. We were having some problems sending out, and were using one of our employees’ email accounts to test deliverability. His email account was “” We sent over logs and one of their techs replied, telling us she didn’t see any specific problems sending to “drboob.” We spent the rest of the day checking out Dr. Boob’s website. (not porn but probably NSFW)

  2. I sent a long explanation about our settings to them, asking for some tips on what settings we could use to maximize our performance. Apparently my ticket got forwarded from one guy to another, and the second guy sent me a reply with links to videos about steam engines. Obviously, this was a mistake (he meant to send videos about steam engines to the original forwarding tech, and send me an answer) but I wrote him back asking if **steam-powered email **was really our best course of action and suggested that maybe it would be better using hamsters.

  3. Our best one so far was today’s. We had emailed asking about installing a higher-grade version. One of our questions was whether or not we could downgrade if we installed this version over our current version and didn’t like it. Their answer was:
    You should instal the evil on a test server

Of course, they meant “eval”[uation version] but I can’t stop laughing at the idea of “installing the evil” on our servers. I am wondering if this version is SO good that we’ll be forced to sell our souls for it!

You ever get an email that had some hilarious typos in it that totally changed the meaning?

Does the evil have the evil bit set? :smiley: