Interesting calenders you've seen or had?

Earlier this year I donated some money to the National Holocaust Museum. For my donation I’m getting a poster and, according to an email I got last night, a “Holocaust Calendar”. Shudder. :eek:

What weird, strange, calendars have you come across?

No longer published, but the Edward Abbey Wilderness calendars were pretty cool. They featured terrific images of the west along with quotes from Abbey and others spread throughout the pages.

My buddy, Greg Anderson, photographs the World Beard And Mustache Championship. Their calendar is awesome.

I gave one to my barber and he still has it hanging years later.

I suppose this isn’t all that weird, but: I used to have a page-a-day origami calendar. Every morning, you tear off the previous day, and use that sheet of paper to fold the item for that day, using the instructions on the newly-uncovered day page. The pages were square rather than rectangular like most tear-off calendars, and the back of each page had a colorful pattern printed on it to make it easier to tell which side was which while folding.

The Mutter Museum in Philadelphia has displays pf strange anatomical figures such as body casts of the original Siamese Twins, skulls, deformities, etc. They used to sell a yearly calendar. Their store at doesn’t show any calendars for this year, but you can get plenty of other strange stuff (how about a nice Menstrual cycle poster?

I’m currently sporting a Codex Seraphinianus 2017 calendar on my wall. Letters of the week, numbers of the days, and handful of holidays and one instance of the month’s name are the only decipherable/legible things on each month’s pages. It’s a hoot.

I decided I wanted something bigger next year, with less minutiae. I don’t want to fucking examine my calendar; I just want it to look nifty so when I glance at it a little part of me can go “that’s cool”. So next year Im going with this Alex Grey calendar. I’m not familiar with Mr. Grey’s work, but I liked what I saw there and figured, eh, it’s only for 12 months.

Of course, a similar but significantly different thought is what keeps me from buying the 2018 Trump Out of Office Countdown Wall Calendar: Is it 2021 yet!?. Right now I plan on waiting until 2020 before I hang that one (well, the 2020 one) on my wall.

I’ve had my 2018 calendar since Aug; it has my photo on the cover of it. :cool:
The top vote getter gets the cover, but the others all get displayed for a month. :smack:

Goats in Trees. You can pick one up at Wal-Mart.

I came here to mention this. Not weird, but definitely my favorite calendar I’ve ever had. I didn’t do the tear-off-a-day thing, but the instructions were great. I was actually just thinking of getting another one.

I misread the thread title as “Interesting colanders you’ve seen or had”. Which I figured was some sort of record for mundane or pointless.

I had one once with one wobbly leg. It worked OK though. :smiley:

Opal put together one of naked Dopers and Fathomites, but it seems to have disappeared. Sperfur’s flag-draped bottom is missed. :frowning: