Internet April Fool's Roundup

I went with North Korea. You know, just in case.

Think Geek’s annual April Fool’s Day new products. Including green-colored Angry Birds pork rinds and a Bonsai Kitty plush.

What’s in Prince’s Fridge? appeared on my favorite food site, The Heavy Table. I bought it.

Gotta start making bets on which ThinkGeek product becomes real. Their 2001 Space Monolith Action Figure is now a real product.

I predict the bonsai kitty and the light sabre popsicles (popsicle maker) have a good chance.

I bombed Guinea-Bissau, just because it’s always confused me and it would make geography simpler if I wiped it off the map.


Close. Belgium.

That was pretty gratuitous. Here’s an award.

Me, me! Blowing up France FTW!

If you have AdBlock for Chrome (dunno about Firefox), check the tooltip…
“AdBlock Freedom - augmented reality eyewear that detects and removes ads from the world in realtime”

Oh and this one is pretty funny: Google has a job opening for an autocompleter. (watch the video)

The new i-Ron for your iPad2

(Sadly, not a SDMB-Ron but an iron. Still cute.)

The whole country, or just the filthy Waloons? :smiley:

That totally gives me the creeps.

I went with Nigeria. I was hoping to reduce the spam level of my inbox.


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If you’re a member of LinkedIn, check out the ‘People You May Know’ function.

Canadian airline WestJet has announced a new cost-savings measure: planes will be made lighter by introducing helium into the cabin.

Lifehacker has a good roundup at Your 2011 April Fools' Day Prank Spoiler

My fav so far is Think Geek’s Playmobil Apple Store complete with Woz on Segue!

Watch the “Morning After” where they talk about all the crazy stuff in pop culture this week, like is web dating an actual thing?