Intl. Talk Like a Pirate Day is Sept. 19

Arrr, wait for it…

God, I haven’t finished shopping yet, let alone hoisted the mizzenmast!

At one minute past midnight- I have become a pirate!

Arrrr, I can’t find me steerin’ wheel. It be drivin’ me nuts.

I guess I was too early early. I hoisted my mizzenmast last night, if you know what I mean.

Peg legs, eye patches and parrots for everyone! Yo ho!

My husband starts his new job tomorrow - I told him that celebrating the day would make an AWESOME first impression. Any with me on this? Hook hand, correct accent and a bottle of rum!

Least favorite holiday. Fuck pirates. Maybe I can go around cutting off people’s ears and making them eat them and do that gay-ass little Johnny Depp impression everyone does.

No, no, no – that would be beyond lame. At most maybe some stupid little “Yarrr!!! Where be ye rum, swabbie!” might be appropriate.

I’m ready

Aye my hearties, haters gonna hate

I am at the beach in Oak Island, NC. Hatteras was washed out(literally), so this is the next best vacation for us. The confluence of the location and the day is serendipitous. Thank you, whoever the god of Pirates may be.

I remember reading about this day last year, and thought it would be tons 'o fun. However, I had gotten married on September 17th, and the whole thing slipped my mind :smiley:


Another holiday to tie into the Church of the FSM.

The Word in the Editorial section of The Boston Globe talks about Speak Like a Pirate Day, and comes to the conclusion (as did this estimable Board, many years ago) that “Pirate Lingo” owes more to Robert Newton and British stage accents than to Actual Pirates.

I can’t bring it up (the Globe has recently gone to a subscription service, so you have to pay for most of the content), bt they do have this quiz online:

Yesterday my sister-in-law got married, and they requested that guests come in Hawaiian shirts or dressed as a pirate. I was the only one dressed as a pirate.
Unfortunately, it rained, so the outing on the Pirate Ship* was cancelled, so I got to be a Pirate in a Firehouse reception.


What he should do is do it tomorrow and the Tuesday. So on Monday everyone will be like “ha, that guy really is into talk like a pirate day”, then on Tuesday they’ll be like “holy crap, did we just hire a real pirate?”

Caroliney ye say?! Blast it, ye scurvy dog, ye’ve come ashore on the wrong Oak Island! Thar be no treasure in Caroliney! Set sail fer New Scotland and get ye busy diggin’, lest I keelhaul ye next we meet!

They actually have a day set aside for this? Well, good thing I don’t know any pirates so I can save money on pirate cards and pirate gifts. (I wouldn’t even know what kind of gift to give a pirate, they pretty much take what they want, don’t they?)

A chest o’ doubloons is always appreciated, lad.

And a buxom wench!

Did I tell you guys this story? My son’s ex’s dad wears an eyepatch sometimes, but was too self-conscious to wear it to his job at the university. Finally Daughter and Wife talked him into wearing it, telling him how dashing it looked, etc. One Fine Day, he gathered his courage and wore it to class.
He came home thoroughly disheartened, and reported to Daughter and Wife that everywhere he went, students and staff alike teased him: “Arrr, Professor! How are ye this fine day?”. That sort of thing. The family gave him lots of support and encouragement, and the next day he bucked up and wore it again, steeling himself for more teasing.
When he got to school, the first student he saw stopped him and said, “You look great, Professor, but Talk Like a Pirate day was yesterday!”
Poor guy. :slight_smile: