My friend Dylan has registered and started posting. Say hello, make nice .
Hello, Dylan.
I made a nice for you. Here ya go.
HIdy ho lil camper and welcome
I thought this thread would be about a new listener to Bob.
anyway, welcome to the board Dylan. Anything we should know that can be used against you?
Dylan, since gender is hard to determine please don’t be offended that I don’t know yours. Be sure you go to the appropriate check-in thread.
Hello Dylan. Welcome to the board. Any friend of Ayesha…
[GildaAsEmilyLitella]Ayesha wants me to make rice for her friend. I say, let him get his own rice. I’m not even very good at making rice. Mine usually gets kind of sticky. Unless it’s Batsami, I’m pretty good at that. But none-the-less, why should ** I ** have to make Dylan rice? I ask you…[/GildaAsEmilyLitella]
[Chevy Chase] IT’S NICE, YOU OLD BAT. NICE. [/ChevyChase]
[GildaAsEmilyLitella] Oh. Nevermind. [/GildaAsEmilyLitella]
Welcome, Dylan. Eventually the room stops spinning and you become aclimated to the World of Dope.
Hi Dylan.
Did you bring us anything?
Welcome Dylan. We can always use more vict… uh, I mean friends.
For Ayesha, I’ll make nice.
Welcome aboard, Dylan; I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt for now, as I really don’t think Ayesha would invite a dweeb.
Oh, and while you’re standing there, hand me that 9/16s box end, will ya? No, the long one; these cylinder bolts are pretty tight…Thanks!
Dylan hasn’t said anything yet.
Dylan is Ayesha’s IMAGINARY friend.
Hi Dylan. Since you are Ayesha’s imaginary friend,
HERE, I have made you an imaginary nice.
Got any mandies Bob? Welcome.
Dylan where are you ? These people are starting to think I made you up.
Thanks for making nice guys, I had to go get a test done this morning and was being drug out the door as I posted this.
Now I will go see if I can find Dylan, y’all will like her. She’s nice. Usually.
Yoo Hoo, Dylan, where are you???
Ayesha -
I believe I saw Dylan in the newbie’s boobies thread earlier. Didn’t you warn her not to do anything BratMan007 says?
Oh no ! I knew I forgot to warn her about the pervs. I hope they were gentle with her.
Dylan, I’m sorry I forgot to warn you. I did tell you these people were different though.
sorry I’m late…but I have sitting in a waiting room with a bunch of nekid people…
all day…I’m there…sitting…waiting for this free exam this Bratman007 is supposed to be giving to the newbies…
they got everybody else goin’ in there…I took a freakin number, man,…they never called any numbers…
so I took my 38 D’s and got the hell out of there…
thanks for the nices…can’t find those in Canada!!!
as for anything that can be used against me, well I’m a newbie…I’m not touching that one just yet…
what did I bring???..this is a bring your own??..
I’ll go and get something…I’ll be back…
thanks Ayesha…now can I go put MY tits in the Byz thread?
Depends where you live. Around here nices are pretty common when they are in season. They are particular about the weather they will come out in, though. Then we stand around and say “Nice weather, eh?”
Welcome Dylan.
::Sili runs for the Byz thread ;)::