I don’t suppose Mr. lain ever bothered to check and see any BJU (BJU: Looks like BlowJob University to my twisted mind…) alumni are line dancers…? 'Cause I know two who are. I wonder what BJU thinks about their former student…?
Line dancing seems to be more of an incitement to laughter and mockery than it is to lust.
[sub]Well, It least now I know that Bob Jones U. entertains the world. I always felt guilty that we were selfishly hoarding the best comedy for ourselves.[/sub]
Mac Arthur’s Park is melting in the dark
All the sweet green icing flowin’ down
Someone left the cake out in the rain
I don’t think that I can take it
'Cause it took so long to bake it
And I’ll never have the recipe again, again
Actually, I meant “more accurately.” I did leave out “currently” after “BJU.”
Think about it:
[li]BJU demands students obey their parents.[/li][li]BJU says the students can date interracially if the parents consent.[/li][li]The parents are more likely than not, IMHO, as bigoted as BJU’s founder.[/li][li]What’s the likelihood that the consent is forthcoming?[/ul][/li]
Essentially, the current policy is no change whatsoever. And the media fell for it.
I’m sorry, but that’s the best laugh I’ve had for a long time… the image of a group of people learning the craft of playwriting, AND at the same time learning ballrooom dancing.