Now, I could go into depth about how this man is an evil, depraved, two faced, incompetent, sectarian, disrespectful, hate filled soul, who deserves to be placed under Judas at the bottom of Dante’s inferno, but I’m not going to.
I could tell you about how he promotes gerrymander, and the treatment of Catholics in the 6 counties as second class citizens (basically his own little Apartheid), but I wont.
I could tell you about how he parades his doctorate that he was awarded by a Christian (and I use this in the loosest sense of the word) University in the bible belt, but I wont.
I talk about his latest attack on the threat to his one true church.
Line Dancing.
Yes, not content with calling the Pope “Antichrist” to his face, or founding “Non Sectarian” associations like Ulster Defence, he has decided to safeguard the afterlives of all true christians by attacking this “incitement to lust”
I’d say that line dancing was more evil than sinful. Not becuase it incites lust but instead because it makes an entire dance floor filled with people look like empty headed jackasses.
But I don’t think that warrants destruction by God. Maybe just mandatory dance lessons at their local Arthur Miller School of Dance.
Ah, good to see he’s being as diligent as ever in protecting the morally vulnerable (i.e. everyone other than himself) . I do like the way thought that he decries that
How to stop kids from doing something - describe it as sexual and “sensual”.
Well, I never thought I’d find myself agreeing with Ian (sic) Paisley, but I can’t help feeling that if God were to smite down line dancers it might not be such a bad thing.
By the way, isn’t William McCrea, one of of his fellow DUP MPs, a gold-disc-winning country and western singer?
Don’t forget his status as a minister of religion which, IFAIK, he awarded himself.
Slight hijack: I remember seeing a debate between Jerry Falwell and (then NZ PM) David Lange from the Oxford Debating Union in the mid 1980s. Students may interpose questions, and during Falwell’s speech a weedy student approached the lecturn and prefaced his question with, “You are welcome here as the American answer to Iain Paisley…” to much laughter. Falwell looked confused. “Who is Iain Paisley?” The reply: “He is the Irish Ayatolla Khomeini.”
That would be Bob Jones University … the one that wouldn’t let black folk attend until they were forced to, and then barred them from dating their white wimmin.
My only question is - with Northern demographics going the way they’re going, shouldn’t Big Ian be encouraging his people to breed?
The more I hear people say: “You are going to hell”… the more I think “GOOD!!”
Honestly, if there WAS a ‘god’ would he appoint losers like this to ‘spread the word’?
And shouldnt ‘god’ be more concerned with REAL problems in the world other than LINE DANCING??? (like helping people win grammies for example)
**I dont line dance, but I have seen it done and while the cool part of me automatically puts them down, the part of me that sings in the car thinks: “I wish I could do that!”
More accurately: BJU permits interracial dating provided the parents of the individuals dating interracially approve in writing in advance of said interracial dating.
I think it’s fair to say we could find morons in just about any belief system, political party or social cause that is interested in “spreading the word” about its beliefs.
Do eco-terrorists (like Earth First) who proudly burn down houses in suburbia make the Sierra Club, or the Audubon Society a meaningless organization?
I have been following Iain Paisley’s antics for a long time, I always figured when he dies his tomb stone will read “Here Lies Iain Paisley Born:xxxx -died :xxxx , brain death occuring approximately fifty years before physical date of death.”
Obviously none of you have ever seen me line dance. Or two-step. Or waltz or swing or shuffle. The charm, the grace, the splendor, the artistry that is… Esprix in a cowboy hat.