Introducing the newest member of the SDMB....

This poster is truly one of the finest human beings ever to walk the Earth.
She is a tremendous soccer player, an all star basketball player, and an honor student.
She can leap tall buildings in a single bound! (well, maybe not).

She is my best and dearest friend.
She is my sister.

Without any further ado, let me introduce Soccerbaby!

She slices, she dices, hell, she even flirts (but that’s it-even though she is foxy, she’s only 16, so behave)!

And the best part is, she doesn’t say anything stupid like me.

So drop in and say hi. Give her a big SDMB welcome.

Just don’t tell her anything bad about me, OK? :wink:


Welcome to the boards Soccerbaby.

I hope you enjoy your stay.

Welcome Dave’s sister! You’ll love it here. Tons of stupid stuff, fun people, petty fights, flirting, and oh yeah-that fighting ignorance stuff too. There’s something for everyone. And IF you ask real nicely, I might tell you some stuff bout your big brother…but shhh, don’t tell him I said that!

[sub]Now everyone give Soccerbaby a nice big SDMB welcome…[/sub]

Warmest welcome hugs to you, Soccerbaby!

I hope you have a long and wonderful stay!


PS…your brother is a sweetheart!

Welcome to the Teeming Millions.

Can I start flirting with her now?

Welcome Soccerbaby!

I really hope you enjoy your time [sub]must resist… it isn’t right…be strong[/sub] here in the Boards, there are a lot af great folks here [sub]No, no dammit, you CAN’T do it[/sub] and they will joke with you, help you with issues, and answer you questions [sub]the Force is strong within you… Come to the Dark Side…[/sub] no matter how innane you may think they are. Be prepared to have ideas challenged intellectually [sub] oh, please let me just say it once, just once, and I swear I’ll be a good boy[/sub] but don’t take it personally, this is all in pursuit of the truth. [sub] Oh WOW, I went through the whole post with saying, “so… Soccerbaby, how YOU doin?” That would be wrong.**

Airman Doors, USAF: what a wonderful intro to give your sister. :slight_smile:

Welcome to the SDMB, Soccerbaby! :smiley:

Howdy soccerbaby if you get as addicted as everyone else does to this site you best find yourself a really comfortable chair cause you’ll be spending alot of time here. Anyways have a good time, play nice and everyone will play nice back :slight_smile:

I suppose my Welcome Wagon isn’t good enough for her? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, so Welcome Aboard, soccerbaby. If you want a real welcoming though, you need to visit the thread linked to in my sig line. :wink:

And from someone who spent 4 years in the Air Force at Brooks AFB in San Antonio, let me tell you that your brother will be regretting that gung-ho sig line of his after about 6 months in.

And did I mention I can be an idiot sometimes?
Here’s my sig:

Only sometimes!!!

:: d&r ::

Welcome, soccerbaby. You’ll love it here! Just be careful of the addiction rate. It’s kinda high. :wink:

Welcome soccerbaby:)

And just ignore Crunchy Frog…trust me when I say he EARNED that sig line I gave him.

G’day. soccerbaby. Welcome to the knowledge frontier. Long as you got all your jabs and innoculations updated, you’ll be fii-ii-ine.

Welcome, welcome, welcome. [sinister voice]Get comfy - you may be here some time.[/sinister voice]


Bienvenue, Soccerbaby!

Hello. Have fun, although I don’t think I have to tell you that. It kinda comes naturally.

Heya Soccerbaby! Nice name…I play soccer, too.

(Just so you know, I think your brother’s pretty cool. I know you may not agree, given that sibling rivalry and all, but I’ve got your back because of your relations.)

:slight_smile: Have fun!

So is soccerbaby going to ever actually show up here?

And with that, I’m off to make up a new sig line.
Something along the lines of, “**hardygrrl says, ‘Crunchy Frog is the only person to cause such Earth-shattering orgasms for me. I recommend all you women give him a try when you get a chance.’”

Hey everyone!
Thanx for the great welcome i really liked everyone saying “hi” to me! Sorry it took me so long ot respond i had a soccer game last night which we won 9-0 and then i had homework so… As for the flirting part… o ya i’m a big flirt! You can flirt whenever you’d like! Anyways I must get going that again for the welcome!!! Bye for now… See ya on the boards! :slight_smile: