My brother Will (who lurks here occasionally but doesn’t post) and I went to high school with David (zbrosdad) over thirty years ago. We moved to Minnesota, and David’s family stayed in Illinois for a while longer. After a while we lost touch with one another.
I sometimes do searches for friends I remember from years ago with not too much success. I think that is because most of my girlfriends probably took their husband’s names so they are now untraceable. But after a few tries and some research by my brother, we found David again.
He lives in the San Diego area with his wife Meta and their two children, Zachary and Zane (thus the zbrosdad). He does a job that is pretty technical, and so does my brother, so they both understand each other but I really don’t. I will e-mail him this link and he can explain things more when he arrives.
Both Will and I are so happy to rediscover this old friend, (well, not that old, forty something) and I am very happy to welcome him and introduce him to this board.
And here I thought we were getting another Minnesota doper.
Hiya, zbrosdad! I’m Silver Fire, aka Sarah. Hope you have a fabulous time with us here at the SDMB. It’s a great place really. Full of some of the best people on the 'net. You’ll have fun, I’m sure.
Thanks for the introduction. Meta and I have been online for a very long time, including our time on BBS’s it’s probably been 15 years. But the net sure does have some interesting side effects. Hearing from folks that you haven’t talked to in 31 years is pretty trippy and then to find out that they are on the same wavelength as you have been all these years is really something else. I’m looking forward to interesting folks and discussions as the days pass and all of you get to know us better.
David, do you still play the tuba, or some other kind of horn?
My dad had asked, and I forgot to relay his message.
I am in awe of the Internet. I never thought Will and I would find David again, and it took less than four days over the Net. From a very large school we all three attended, he is one of the people we never forgot.
. . . and Piano, thanks for that cool fly. How did you do that? I’m vegetarian (very strange spider) but will probably keep it as a pet. Or maybe give it to my turtle.
David, what are BBSs? Some kind of message boards, probably?
Thanks everyone for your hospitality. This community reminds me of the Xanadu BBS that used to exist here in San Diego 10 years ago. We enjoyed posting and chatting about any number of important and frivolous subjects (but who’s to say frivolity isn’t important). Just for the record, I no longer play Tuba, I play Bariton horn.
He has an arrangement of “In a Persian Market” (Tubadiva remembers the composer) that he arranged for a tuba trio for state contest one year. They were doing really well, but they couldn’t keep straight faces and all started laughing. The judge told them that up to that point he was going to give them a first, and then they laughed even harder.
Does baritone play treble or bass clef (I should remember this but I don’t; my guess is treble)?