Introduction signs at airports?

I’m off for a weekend to meet up with some of my coworkers…but we’ve never actually met before! All of us are employed as ‘remote’ call centre operators, which means we all work from home, and only have contact via ‘chat’, Facebook or phone conferencing.

A bit of a running joke between us though are the goat fuckers who make up our management team. And I was thinking about holding up a sign when I arrive at the airport, ‘Goat Fuckers Convention’. :smiley:

Of course, that’s going to go down like a lead balloon with the airport management, and I’ll probably be hauled away into the Terrorist Interrogation room or something.

But I wondered whether I might get away with ‘Caprine Copulators Convention’?

Do you think your average airport employee might have a clue what caprine and copulators are? Would such a sign be considered verboten regardless?

The only time I ever did that was back in my (pot smoking) college days. Picking up a friend from airport on her way back from Boulder, CO. I met her at the gate with a big sign that said STONER. I knew I was safe because I had friend with Stoner as a last name so I was aware that it was a legitimate name but I almost couldn’t keep a straight face.

If you use “Coupling” you might get away with it.

There are children and families passing through the airport. Whether or not the airport authorities are OK with your sign, please don’t be a jerk.

How about Goat Farmers Convention? That way you get to use an “F” word like you wanted, but it will be an inside joke among you guys that won’t offend others.


Caprine Coition Coalition.

I wouldn’t think it was funny: I’d think it was childish. Since I have children myself, and I’ve worked with children, I’m far from being offended by childish signs.

In fact, I’d say that I have very little time and less sympathy for parents who are offended by childishness.