The Iraq Interior Ministry has been caught torturing people:
At first I thought it was a zombie article, but no, it was current.
The Iraq Interior Ministry has been caught torturing people:
At first I thought it was a zombie article, but no, it was current.
Outrageous, I would fully support the US invading Iraq and overthrowing this evil regime.
Oh, that’s right we did that already! Well we tried!
It’s nothing we didn’t already know. The whole subject has been discussed before, and it’s still dead wrong. So much for noble causes and freedom etc.
But Iraqi schoolchildren have new pencils! Why do you always focus on the negative?
Thank you Fox News.
Any intelligence gathered this way should of course be shared. We have already learned so much this way.
One Iraqi confessed that while he was indeed half Sunni Muslim, that his mother meant nothing to him, and that he would sign a statement saying as much if he could “get the duct tape off” and the “beatings” ended.
Another claimed that his paper was critical of the government because the “Jews in the liberal New York media” had tricked him into believing democracy meant having a “free press”. He has since apologized for his error, and is resting comfortably in a shipping container awaiting a double knee transplant.
A third promised to change his name to Osama Bin Laden, if they would only please disconnect the car battery from his balls. Now that we are that much closer to catching Bin Laden, it bodes well for victory in the war on terror.
It makes it a bit harder for the Great Right-Wing Echo Chamber to say, “It was just that one prison,” and ascribe it to a few bad apples.
Not that they won’t keep trying the “few bad apples” approach, even as more instances of government torture accumulate.
“Freedom is on the march.” Or something.
Come meet the new boss…
Same as the old boss …
We’re teaching them well.
… unfortunately.