Irrational hatreds?

  1. Any time a sitcom/movie character pretends to be something other than what they really are. I HATE THIS PLOTLINE. It should be forbidden by law. Exception: Some Like it Hot.

  2. Tsunamis. I hate hate hate hate hate tsunamis. That stupid Day After Tomorrow movie is right now being advertised all over Chicago and I can’t even stand to look at the ads. I have to turn away lest I have a freakout right there.

  3. Platform flip flops. Ugliest shoes ever.

-People who get on a Bus, only to get off it at the next stop, a whole fucking two blocks away, so the bus has to stop just so you can get off. If you’re handicapped I could see this, but for the rest of you, IT’s TWO BLOCKS! You could have walked it in as much time as you spent waiting for the damn bus, and burned some calories as well(and god knows some people need to).

-People who stand in the middle of sidewalks or hallways or aisles without regard to the fact other people want to walk through.

-People who walk through hallways/aisles/sidewalks abreast(side by side) and end up taking up most, if not all of the halway, so other people are unable to pass. If going through a narrow space, is it that much trouble to walk in straight line so others can pass?

I hate this, too, but I have to do it, otherwise I will end up with T.P. all over my house, because the cats like to play with it.

Okay, let’s see…

  1. I hate the name Ashley, for men or women. It’s a horrible name, and makes me think the person who has it is a spoiled daddys girl.

  2. Fake southern accents. Most actors/actresses can’t do a southern accent that doesn’t sound like Bugs Bunny doing a southern accent.

  3. Snakes. May be an irrational fear.

  4. People who start their yardwork at 6 a.m. You know who you are!

  5. Bumper stickers. Especially those damned fish.

Then you probably don’t want to know about mega tsunamis.

Although this isn’t an irrational hatred as much as a purely rational one, what I hate is when people on messageboards present statements as facts when they have no idea of the validity of such statements.

Especially when they’re dead wrong. :rolleyes:

I have been with MS for over 10 years. I am a developer in the MacBu. I have worked in the MacBu since it was formed out of the WinOffice team in 1996. Of the grand total of employees that have worked for the MacBus since its inception, the number of programmers that have ever, at any time, worked for Apple in any capacity, can be counted on one hand. The number of those less-than-five former Apple programmers that Jobs “downsized” to cut costs is zero. Bear in mind there’s no particular reason why I wouldn’t hire an Apple programmer - and I’ve interviewed several over the years, some getting offers, some not - but the fact remains that 80% or more of MacBu employees are existing WinOffice Devs that created this team out of scratch in 1996.

So, while I appreciate your support of the MacBu, I do not appreciate you inventing a bunch of bullshit and passing it off as fact to score a cheap point against Microsoft. Get your facts straight or don’t spew them here.

Strange, my local Mac user group had the head of the MacBU (i think it was the head, it was one of the higher-ups anyway) do a presentation on the new (at the time) Office 2001, and he distinctly said that ms hired a large number of Mac programmers that Apple downsized

if i’m wrong, i’m wrong, i stand corrected, Mac office is still a nice app though

you still can’t stop me from hating m$ though… :wink:

besides, as we’re all well aware, 42.98% of percentages are made up on the spot anyway :wink:

I don’t know who that would have been. I know who the GM was in 2001, and he wouldn’t be delivering presentations to any local user group, nor would anyone else in the product groups. Maybe a Marketing guy, but I just can’t imagine why even the most minor of Marketing lackeys would erroneously make that claim - by 2001 we had already shipped Office98 as the MacBu and there was no such massive turnover between projects - not then nor ever since.

You’d be well advised to not engage in that practice here. :slight_smile:

Okay so we can both agree to blame it on a marketing drone then, right? :wink:

ahh, marketing, the Technician’s natural enemy (at least according to Dilbert) :wink:

so many hatreds, so little space:

  1. People who take more than 2mins to order at fast food places!! drives me nuts!

  2. Shaquile O’Neil. Hate this guy. If I hear one more time about how great he is…arrrggghhhh! your 7’3, 320 pounds, and your great in the middle?? well no freakin shit!! This doesnt make you the best, or even on of the best, it makes you lucky. And whats with all his freakin mumbling? Does he think that makes him look cool??? Learn to shoot more than 10ft from the hoop and maybe I would be impressed.

  3. People who bitch about Microsoft. Gates changed the world with his software, deal with it. I dont like everything he has done, but I give respect to the man for standarizing the computer world. My first “real” job in '91 I had to do my work on 4 different workstations…4!! We switched to windows 3.11 and I was down to two…with Win95, I had one.

  4. People who know more about the history of the X-Men than about their own country. Yes, comic books are fun to read, yes its a form of escapism…good for you. But you should know who fought in the American Civil War, before you know what villian was killed in issue #144, and what issue they came back in!!!

Well, there’s my original “bullshit” position, but since you’re new and you paid I suppose I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. :slight_smile:

The L.A. Lakers.

Al Roker.

All my other hatreds are entirely rational

WHY WHY WHY did you do that? I’m not clicking on the link. Not clicking on the link. Not clicking on the link.

The link alone is freaking me out.

:: whimper ::

Oh, sweet jesus YES! Her voice makes me physically cringe. It’s like fingernails on a chalkboard.

Which brings me to my (actually quite rational but DAMMIT, I’m gonna share anyway!) hatred. People who cannot accept alternative opinions on things. Or in the alternative, people who state their opinions as facts. They’re not facts, they’re opinions. Get over your damn self.

You know the type.

Oh, that movie is shit. I don’t know how anyone can like that movie..

Hey asshole, not everyone shares your opinion on everything. Life would probably get pretty boring if they did. Your opinion is not freaking law, okay?

I actually got into a serious, heated argument with an X of mine over the Celine Dion thing. He could not accept that I hated her voice. It actually bothered him that I couldn’t stand her. So much that he started yelling at me about how my opinion was wrong.


That and rice rockets. HATE…RICE…ROCKETS!!

Ha, ha! In the spirit of this thread, today’s re-run of Calvin & Hobbes

I agree with all except the raisins. :smiley:

BANANAS. I despise them and I just don’t know why. Can’t eat banana bread or banana-flavored anything. The smell alone sickens me. Oddly enough, plantains are ok.

But they’re quite delicious when sliced thin and served with a slice of lemon :wink:

MMMM…Tako :wink:

I guess I’m not welcome at **E. Thorp’s ** place…

My irrational hatred is tea. I don’t drink it, can’t stand it, and tea bags disgust me. I don’t know why.

I have a totally rational hatred of people who claim that something isn’t illegal (or immoral for that matter) unless they are convicted for it.

I hate zombie threads! :smiley: