Irrational hatreds?

The New England Patriots, AFC East rivals to my beloved Miami Dolphins. My vitriol stems from the notorious “Snowplough Incident” from what, 1982?

That’s not really an irrational hatred, though, is it? More like a well-merited grudge.

I irrationally hate the sound of George W. Bush’s voice.

I irrationally hate round tortilla chips. I only buy the triangular ones.

I irrationally hate the band Foreigner.

I irrationally hate Ashton Kutcher and Paris Hilton.

These are my English-teacher-related irrational hatreds:

I irrationally hate people who cannot spell the word DEFINITELY. It isn’t that fucking hard, is it?

I irrationally hate people who don’t know when to use “I” v. “me.” No, sorry, but “I” is not always the default correct answer, pal.

I irrationally hate when people insert apostrophe’s when they are actually using plural’s. :wink:

Minivans. I can’t even say the word without my upper lip curling up in disgust. Sort of like the way Jerry Seinfeld would say “Newman.” (Oh, and I am in complete agreement on the Volvo thing, y’all!)

Rap music/hip hop music. Again, even the word “hip hop”…

Stupid people. Sorry - I know not everyone is intellectually gifted, but I just can’t deal with stupidity. I’m training one right now, and I go home every night with a freakin’ migraine from the frustration of how. slow. this. guy. learns. If I don’t have a brain aneurism first, I might kill him.

Channel surfing. One day it may cause me to impulsively murder my husband. I hope I get an all-female, married jury.


Reality shows, and the people who watch every freakin’ reality show on TV, and constantly ask me if I watch it, too. Dammit, I thought my disdain was evident the first 3 times you asked me if I watch “Big Brother”!

Crappy beer, especially Miller & Bud - and especially those damn “Miller Lite vs. Bud Lite” commercials that are running lately!

McDonald’s. They suck.

Cheerleaders. Models. Princesses (not the real ones, mind you - the kind with the bumper sticker that tells you they are one).

Yes, I have a lot of anger, too.

Another monkey disliker. I don’t hate monkeys themselves, but I loathe with a passion tv shows and such that show them doing “human” things: playing chess, driving cars, wearing clothes. Monkeys in the wild are fine.

Actors who can’t fake playing video games. Right this second I’m watching Damon Wayans manhandling a Gamecube controller - all he’s doing is rocking back and forth on the right hand stick as fast as he can and spastically pressing the triggers. He’s not even using his left thumb at all. Can’t somebody from the prop department sit him down for two minutes and tell him how to hold it? Especially when the plot seems to be how absorbed the character is in the game he’s playing?

On a similar note, game ads that focus on sex when there’s nothing sexual in the game at all. It’s just so stupidly blatant. I feel personally insulted, as if the advertiser expects me to jump cock-first out of my chair to hurry and buy their product.

I’m a food fascist and I hate fanatical diets and dietary restrictions (vegetarianism, Atkins, raw food. People who special order everything in a restaurant or pick stuff off of their dishes drive me crazy. I just want a scream “It’s an onion! You’re not six years old! Just eat it!” If I were god of food, I would damn (or bless, if you’re on my side) everyone in the world to prix fixe meals for all of eternity.

[li]Sports. All of them.[/li][li]Sports in movies[/li][li]Sports in books[/li][li]Sports on TV[/li][li]Songs about sports[/li][li]The Sports Section of the newspaper[/li][li]Sports on television news[/li][li]Sports metaphors[/li][li]Magazine articles about sports[/li][li]Interviews with people who play sports[/li][li]Stores that sell sports equipment[/li][li]Conversations about sports[/li][li]Threads about sports[/li][li]Posts about sports (this very post is pissing me off)[/li][/ul]

Oh yeah, me too about sports. Though I don’t think it’s irrational. I hate sports because everyone into them takes them way too seriously, and arrogantly so as everyone else should share their obsession. It’s disgusting.

These are not irrational. Truly.

Same here. Every time I see it it’s like tapping the base of my spine with an ice pick while rubbing the other end of the icepick on a chalkboard and holding a screeching baby in my ear while chewing on styrofoam and watching the Jerry Springer show.

Other irrational hatreds:
[li]Octopi and calamari. Can’t even look at 'em.[/li][li]Slugs[/li][li]Possums[/li][li]Graying and/or balding guys with ponytails[/li][li]Any kind of “fish” medallions on the backs of cars[/li][li]90% of the residents of Marin County, California[/li][/ul]

  1. Telemarketers who call when I’m trying to choke down some dinner
  2. Televison evangelists
  3. Jehovah Witnesses
  4. Smart ass know it alls who have that infuriating way of talking down to me, even when they don’t know a damn thing.
  5. People who constantly demand I drop whatever I’m doing to fix the same fuck up they keep doing over and over and over.
  6. The whole diversity/tolerance thing which translates to: “They” are allowed to be total rat bastards but I MUST understand them and put with their shit and be understanding, when I really want to strangle them.

I guess you won’t be joining the fantasy football league.


Two more for me- whiny, tear in your beer counrty songs. And Bruce Springsteen.

I’m a server/manager at a steakhouse. The following are things that people often do that usually make me cringe in fury. DISCLAIMER: I am aware that the following things are irrational, because, hey, that’s the point of the thread. If you’d like a list of things people do that rationally piss me off, I hope you’ve got a few days to spare. That said:

[li]People who order coffee. Don’t order coffee. Coffee is not a beverage, it’s liquid caffiene used to jump start people who can’t wake up any other way. Also, coffee cups hold about four ounces, resulting in my having to refill your cup 6-8 times during the course of the meal. It’s even worse if I have to bring you more creamer every time.[/li][li]People who order coffee by saying “coffee”. In addition to hatred #1, this one is annoying because every establishment in the fucking world that carries coffee has at least two types: regular and decaf. Why must you waste my time and yours by forcing me to ask a question that you knew full well was coming? Oh, and if anybody reading this thinks that the people who order “coffee” are doing so because they want regular, it’s honestly about a 50/50 proposition. You’re attempting to apply logic to restaurant customers, which doesn’t work under the best of circumstances.[/li][li]People who order a beverage “…and water”. Pick a drink. Do you want what you originally ordered, or do you want water? If you really want both, I can pour some water in the drink you ordered and you can just drink that. Also, once you’ve ordered your drink “…and water”, everyone else at the table starts to think it’s a wonderful idea, resulting in me having to carry eight glasses to a table with four people. Brilliant. NOTE: People who order alcohol as their primary beverage are exempt from this hatred, because alcohol does not come with free refills, so you’ll need something else once you’re done.[/li][li]People who order “coffee and water”. You all should just be shot.[/li][li]People who say they don’t want an appetizer, and then, when I return with their drinks, order an appetizer. If you needed to think about it, why didn’t you say so before you answered me the first time?[/li][li]People who “need a minute” before they decide what they want to drink. It’s a drink. Pick one. If you don’t like it, you can always switch it up later; it’s not like I’m going to make you stick with Coke if you’d rather have a Dr. Pepper.[/li][li]People who order “beer”. Not any specific kind of beer, but “beer”. Sure thing, asshole. For dinner, I recommend “food”. In the meantime, I’ll be bringing you a 23-ounce schooner of import draft, and your ass can pay $5.50 for your idiot order. If you want me to list our beers, ask me. [/li][/ol]

That’s all I can think of for now. I might pop back in later with more. If anyone reading this engages in practices #1, 3, 4 or 6, rest assured that those are all fairly mild annoyances. It’s just a personal thing; if you do them to me, you won’t even notice that I care. With #2, 5 or 7, though…well, I confess I might just sound the teensiest bit snarky when I ask “Regular or decaf?”, “So you’d like some cheese fries for your appetizer?”, or “…and what kind of beer will that be?”. When you do those things, it says to me, “I’m going to waste your time, and I don’t particularly care.”

Just a question really , but how much of that was based on xerox-parc R&D

How come you keep going back to Ford ? , there are other manufuctures


Oh, can I hear an amen! My friends all know that I can’t stand to see anyone embarrassed. I squirm and squirm, and have, on occasion, (Freaky Friday, anyone?) hid in the kitchen til the bad bits are over.

I am so glad I am not alone. I have to leave the room too.

Actual real life embarassment, mine or others, I think about for ages afterwards and the thoughts bring back the horror. To block out the thoughts I have to count to 10 repeatedly in my head.

I’m nuts.

Someone who tells an office team of 30 to go to work on a project for three months, producing a steady stream of reports, additions, revisions, corrections, etc., until at last a finished product is produced, after which he then tells everyone that after all these months and all this work he’s only just now shown it to his boss for the first time and the boss said it’s not what he wants at all so everything we’ve done has been dumped in the trash and we have to start again from zero.

Why do I have this hatred? Oh… twitch… no reason…twitch

Preach it, brother. The same goes for Microsloth, Microslow, Mess-dos, Macintrash, and all the rest of it. There are plenty of intelligent, meaningful ways to attack Microsoft and Apple. Use them instead of saying these petty, pathetic, sad little excuses for insults.

To expand it a little, any fucking jargon that doesn’t add anything. First of all, if you have to explain the phrase, don’t use it. There’s no point. If the phrase has a commonly used equivalent that works just as well, use that instead. Using jargon doesn’t make you cool, coolness makes you use jargon. Get it?

Oh, and calling the president “Shrub” is silly too. Please try to keep discourse at an IQ level higher than room temperature. Centigrade. As with Microsoft, there are plenty of intelligent ways to attack Bush, use them.

And the opposite as well. Ever seen a movie where the subject of REM sleep comes up and they *don’t * explain what it is? Never happens. Who the hell doesn’t know what REM sleep is?

the Xerox Star had icons representing files and drop-down menus, that’s the technology Apple licensed from Xerox, the “windows”, trash can, etc… were all Apple’s design

and i’ve only owned one ford, the crapscort, however, my sister has owned an f-150 for towing her horse trailer, that thing broke down if you looked at it funny, and her husband owns a contour, which also has major problems

yes i know, 3 vehicles out of millions is statistically insignificant, however all it takes is one series of bad experiences with a car to sour me on the manufacturer, cars aren’t cheap, i can’t afford to purchase multiple cars, the one i do own needs to be reliable and affordable, ford didn’t meet those requirements

To preface: I am not a grammar nazi. I do not nitpick spelling and whatnot.

But for the love of all that is holy, I hate posters that intentionally do not capitalize. It’s annoying. If your words are worth posting for you, and worth reading for us, take the time to hit ‘shift’ every now and again.